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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Maybe I should retire to Arizona so I could make one of these someday..
  2. So could you guys explain the differences of what makes it a super treasure hunt? Although ,, I feel like i may have just unleashed enough Hotwheels nerd power to light a major city .. .
  3. ^^^^ Since Amazon kindle tablet will not accept your name as a real word ,, from now on I shall call you High.
  4. That guy is really funny when he gets going sometimes
  5. Took me all of 10 minutes to find Automobile Dismantler Exclusions The term "automobile dismantler" does not include any of the following: The owner of any premises on which two or more unregistered and inoperable vehicles are held or stored, if the vehicles are used, or intended to be used, for restoration or as replacement parts or otherwise in conjunction with any business of a licensed dealer, manufacturer, or transporter, or in conjunction with the operation and maintenance of any fleet of motor vehicles used for the transportation of persons or property. The owner of any premises or property used in conjunction with any agricultural, farming, mining, ranching, or motor vehicle repair business. Any person engaged in the restoration of vehicles of the type described in Vehicle Code Section 5004or in the restoration of other vehicles having historic or classic significance. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vehindustry/ol/dismantler?fbclid=IwAR3Cd7bP0ASba9kMDMWXDx7vXn8NTMZyLOAYx-b1ULMIyR6V6uR8zUMgCHQ There are other exceptions but i couldn't imagine them applying to anyone on here. In Thurston county Washington, the loop hole is worded " enthusiast type vehicle in the state of active restoration" bet you can guess how i know that. .
  6. There has to be enthusiasts exemptions .. I bet if a person looked at actual RCW it would be there somewhere ,, even if in cryptic language.. .
  7. I make mine run so badly they usually abandon it before it gets out of the driveway. ..
  8. Nah ,, Linda's 70 years old,, her internet "footprint" consists of being able to order stuff on Amazon...... i laughed just typing that. . It's red primered and had roof cut off so it resembles a lowered dune buggy more than a postal wagon now..
  9. Neighbor said she might be rolling with us with Lyles hotrod postal jeep ,, so that will be weird as fuck .
  10. Billet proof car show happens at the Southwest Wa fairgrounds and it lets out about 4-5pm .. By then the whole downtown CENTRALIA area is completely filled with badass vehicles of all kinds cruising down the main strip... The show is a traditional hotrod show not "rat rod" but cut off date is like 1965 so everyone that can't get their vehicle through gate cruises the Centralia down town.,. Cruise is monitored by the police but they don't hassle anyone not being dangerous,, as it's a pretty big money maker for the town.. Cruising usually lasts till about 11pm or so,, so you got plenty of time to drop in.. You should come and cruise as basically the whole town is packed to the gills with people cruising around .. Even if you don't meet up with us, or as some of you aren't mono car maker fanbois ,, you probably have cool other type vehicles to show off,, this is the place. We usually hang out at a place called Fullers Market ,, on the south end of town.. but spend a ton of time driving the loop so might be only one vehicle there sometimes,, but we will be back https://goo.gl/maps/HWCjP3S7RrSzWEYQ7 or not . link to thread but everyone's on faceplant now so no real action in there,,,,,,, https://ratsun.net/topic/75721-after-billetproof-cruise-around-june-22nd-2019/
  11. So how would one go about getting an IE tshirt if they are unable to make the 1100 mile trip after work??
  12. @tdaaj. Just noticed that feature on the forum .
  13. Just noticed me and Mohammed and Fat510 in what looks like a pretty animated discussion in very start of video.. Haha I Two thumbs up
  14. Billet proof car show happens at the Southwest Wa fairgrounds and it lets out about 4-5pm .. By then the whole downtown CENTRALIA area is completely filled with badass vehicles of all kinds cruising down the main strip... The show is a traditional hotrod show not "rat rod" but cut off date is like 1965 so everyone that can't get their vehicle through gate cruises the Centralia down town.,. We will be there in our Datsuns , we usually park down by the Fullers market on the south end.. You should come and cruise as basically the whole town is packed to the gills with people cruising around .. Even if you don't meet up with us, or as some of you aren't mono car maker fanbois ,, you probably have cool other type vehicles to show off,, this is the place. We ,, ( Fuckin Ted , Scalpum, Fat510 and me are usually there car watching till pretty late and then go to Dennys or such for dinner at about 11:30-12am ... Couple years ago.. Or spud out like usual, ya useless pricks,,,,,, your choice . .
  15. Not even whole page before things got weird. .
  16. How were these posted as a gif??
  17. The vehicles looked like they were all mid eighties to mid 90s GM with ghetto wheels Meh ,,
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