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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Just me having a cell phone ,, 40 seconds after I get done shppping is like an infection.. you could be in there 4-5-6 hours . It don’t matter ... pack stuff in , shut car door ..ring a ding dong,, oh it’s the wife .. could you get me a....?? .
  2. I just made me some uncle Bens last night .still had the old dude on box . Tastes kinda funky compared to real bagged rice but beggars and what-not . On the same note, my brother used to eat Uncle Bens instant rice.. damn that stuff is nasty ,, probably what killed the s.o.b
  3. And what about Hobo,,,,, I can’t imagine him standing farther away than 6 inches from any other human for more than a few more days.... the dude is gonna snap!
  4. I’m in meme/picture purgatory on here being limited to my iphone .. I’m getting kinda pissed off about that for reals
  5. I don’t know how a bunch of people walking around with signs is considered,, EXPLODES!!!! but whatever the protest in our capital (Washington) was about 2500 people according to the news ... we live in connected city .Tumwater... Tumwater school district has an enrollment of over 6800 children.. The sky is falling the sky is falling,, omg a lot of the protesters are mad not at staying home ..but.. the stupid rules.. weed shops and liquor stores are open... all public lands are closed .. fishing is illegal.. buying seeds to grow a garden ( we are in spring over here) is also banned in some states as they were deemed non essential... I have noticed that the news like to leave out people in other countries are also “protesting” also like France , Brazil, India but if late night comics say it true ,,, it must be true carry on
  6. Seems to me about 70% or more have always left and stay elsewhere at night since I started going in 2011 . Even when it was at fairgrounds.. over the last few years at fairgrounds , less people stay as Datsuns Canby/powerland owners seemed to have grown older , as Datsun have become a little more expensive a buy in for the early 20 somethings now. Which is weird ,, lol a huge number do stay and become family in late night,, very early morning coffee arguments . the camping area at powerland is gigantic .
  7. they are covid ones , not general. It’s like you’re on Gilligans island when you are powerless to put somewhat harebrained feelings into humorous pictures someone else thought up.
  8. Isn’t it kinda weird even major hospitals can’t pay enough money to get masks ,, but poor inner city folks are somehow expected to have one somehow?
  9. I got all these topical memes and screen shots and I can’t post on iPhone . . forever alone thanks Obama
  10. Chinese.. Building immoral things before it was cool. .
  11. 2,813,503 people die in US in 2018 ,, rounded down ,,, that's 7700 a day Covid19 deaths as of today 34,617 first US covid death Feb 28th 47 days ago not counting first day or today 361,900 (approximately) Americans normally die in the same time frame . Am i keeping my family extremely sanitized--- yes Am i staying home --- yes Am i struggling to see why some are saying US government did so bad in it's response--- yes honestly i think if no-one was keeping track at least 75 percent of those that died of it,, may have died from something is my math wrong ??
  12. Should have added to text screen shot i posted to show it probably went through down there in December to make you feel a little less stressed .. Person who was tested works in a care facility that's why she could/did get tested.. Not because she felt sick lately or anything. .
  13. I will be there ,,,, in my fucking DATSUN ,,, eating fucking Dick's,,, if i have to reschedule this for Thanksgiving fuckin DAY !!!
  14. @Mattndew76 These people live in Eugene /Springfield area .. Donna family = ( three in house ) Erica family = (four in house) so i assume all have easily had it .
  15. This corona shit is creeping up on keeping us separated on the second weekend in June ... It bums me out every time I think about it. . .
  16. Your buddy Inslee moved us to May4th so I’m looking at May 24th ... gives us a 20 extra days out of quarantine, and still 2 weeks(?) before Powerland I don’t really have my hopes Uo that this next date won’t be extended anymore though.. gotta figure a July date out for Captain Testicles at some point .
  17. Just about the time you get to sleep,,,,BOOM!! It’s like the fucking Gestapo coming in
  18. Cuz that fucking kid is awake and he’s banging that fucking cast against the wall
  19. Oh yeah man ,,, and the drive out to Wilber, to watch cars drive by, going over to Creston ,,, was one for the ages . .
  20. bananahamuck

    J engine

    Oh shit!! I just realized this isn’t a 520/521 and is a positive ground type vehicle .... Im not sure Pertronix would even work at all .
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