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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. If it was me selling,, My wife would probably start closer to 5k ,, cuz I assume I’m dead .
  2. @KELMO I would say even though all the fancy upgrades it’s probably only worth maybe $3000.-$3500 resale Cuz it’s such a niche market.. The one I traded for had/has all those Upgrades and the guy had it for sale about year and a half at $4200. Paint isn’t that great on it .. I traded a 1200 and couple 5speeds and Other B210 stuff.. so he “kinda” got his price but it was about $800. In collected parts in real life A 2door RHD was sold just a few months ago and I believe ( guessing) the guy got it for less than $8500. And car was for sale easily a year On the East coast And that is like one of about 4-5 , maybe less,, in this country . I like 411s for the fact they have somewhat the same suspension as a Full size ford of about the same vintage so the huge amount of R&D on those can be used as a starting point.. It’s not that fast by today’s standards , it’s only marginally safer than a go kart but it’s got a style I love the curvy weirdness of them . I would buy it People trip out at a 411 that ain’t no shit . prices are climbing for them though .
  3. Was “supposed” to post this .. first head on pic ok ,,,, now original post has changed to correct picture...... Waiting to have Leonardo Or Gordon levette to walk up behind me
  4. Someone is going to have to screenshot with Xs and circled icons .. this is first post but quite a few minutes of trying ... and it didn’t even post correct picture .. wtf
  5. There is going to be a cruise >>TO<< Lefty's burger shack arriving approximately 2:30 ish ( maybe sooner-maybe later University place, big parking lot, not my event ,, just passing on the info Lefty's food is some serious grub for real man https://goo.gl/maps/RMZp4296etffo7BP6 Your mom approves of this message. ..
  6. Site won’t let you delete your status now .. so we got that going for us. 

    1. MikeRL411


      Nor will it update your age like mine.

  7. I will have to take exception with the pretending to be something their not part About most 510s .. have you went to a Datsun show.. You will see majority of 510 owners watching in approval as the younger 510 bois look upon their cars while masterbating so furiously it sounds like a herd of wildebeest stampeding through a river in the Kalihari . change my mind
  8. These new viruses just don’t want to put the time in . .
  9. honestly how eloquently can you describe something that is the same shape as a cardboard box ..
  10. I was asking because of all the Karen’s corona screeching. .
  11. The area where this takes place is industrial. the part of Seattle the “chop” is in , is only a short distance away, but might as well be on another planet. Seattle is a very large place , I bet 90% of residents watched on TV like the rest of us. I’m not scared
  12. Two things Draker , just by this avatar most likely does NOT miss the SuperSonics .. What I’m thinking Draker is saying is.. The democrates are all for the tearing down of statues ( and taking down portraits now) as it erases THEIR history as extreme racists .. Kinda like the Nazi would do ,, to erase their involvement in the extermination of the Jews as to give them a reason to be able to argue not that it didn’t happen .. but it was someone else that did it..
  13. Fat510 . He has a few Datsuns , But drove his Cressida because we had to go up north into the tinglewigs to look at a vehicle, and was nice having a chase vehicle with towing power , in case of problems .
  14. I think the part about charging Bill Gates With crimes against humanity sounds accurate , if nothing else not refunding my money for windows Vista still pisses me off .
  15. Have to go drive roads to make sure they ain’t closed or gravel. im not sure where start point would be either .. Since was thinking going past Abandoned Nuke towers On our way out. And bathrooms ... if state opens where we can use campground restrooms, with use of mask .. we would be happening... but being way out there,,, With zero restrooms because restaurants are closed might be limiting .
  16. BUT ,, I bet YOU didn't realize you put him as the last person. yo
  17. There was Dick's in pretty much everyones mouths Glad to just finally get this behind us BLEACH MOBILE YO! ^^^ Not Bleach ^^^^
  18. Moved next door because you can’t eat outside your car at Dicks
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