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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. its almost looks like if you were wearing a mask and it came away from your face.
  2. haha,,,,, I happened across that ^^^^ again just a few hours ago,, going through my IMGUR pictures.
  3. So during the great smokey summer of 2020 me and sons went down to a Toyota celica meet-up. at a Target under PDX airport ,, then rolled over to a viewpoint out of Gresham(?) Sandy(?) Oregon with a weird ass name... Was supposed to have wife's "new" 1977 coupe go with us but rearend was howling like it was getting ready to send gears up through floorboards .. So it stayed home anyhoo US ,, leaving out of Napaville after gassing up I am almost positive there is a large passenger jet in background in this shot There was a bunch more newer celicas/ all-tracs and such but i'm not that into adding them Like i said not sure what this place was called but there is a short very spunky drive up to it and back down the other side. AA++ will trade again .. it's Very near freeway . I assume it is scenic view but i'm only about 150 feet away from them (or less) and it's murky as shit. Those motorbikes aren't supposed to be on that side of the barriers,, and apparently there is working video surveillance cameras on building,, cuz that is Park Narc scolding them
  4. All you tinfoil hat wearing freaks in this thread.. How dare you,,,, I trust everything the news/ internet fact checkers tells me. That was supposed to be in the last post... whoopsie daisy
  5. Wow,, that IS really strong . That is like almost superman strong. FYI.. To be honest calling me fat is more of a description than an insult .. Having spent many years behind parts counter collecting minimum wage, listening to customers order you around,,,, you can do better,
  6. he was born after NAFTA and only a couple years before the battle in Seattle so all he has ever know is other countries like China and Mexico making American goods .. of his 11(?) vehicles he currently owns the newest is 1987 .. and newest he ever owned was 1991 I do believe if McPumpkin Spice did say “shit hole countries” ,, it wasn’t directed at any countries that the government actually VALUEs their population other than feed into the meat grinder as a way to line their own pockets.
  7. Like what other models? I can’t see your info on phone.. Are you looking for windshield?
  8. Hey ,, Hillary Clinton boy.. My camera died but,,,,, i shit you not... We came across a 8 lug 421 powered 2 door Catalina (63??) in the secure "museum" area of a junkyard a couple weekends ago.. Car looked almost complete didn't open hood so not sure if it had engine .. Not really for sale, but not being taken care of either.. Ted is working on a package deal for the Datsuns and when i go to tow all of them i will text you a few pics ,,,,
  9. First off,, I don't care if Biden won .. I've said it many times on here and in real life. Whoever is president makes NO difference in my life whatsoever. You ,, didn't just leave as you put it,,, YOU literally started a thread crying cuz the pumpkin skinned man was going to hurt you by being elected.. YOU DID THAT Ted was reading it to the two ( card carrying) minorities riding in van coming back from Eaglerock swap meet in California .. Conveniently for you , the threads i"m referencing you being a crybaby in are locked so i can't post what a grown man crying looks like. You deleted all your threads content because you are in fact a middle aged , WHITE , SJW wanna-be , crying for the people you deem helpless in Spokane .. In one diatribe you even announced you are going to quit your job because of the nasty customers coming in and voicing their opinion.. lol YOU, moved all your "content" to NWD because there's so many RACISTS!! on here.. It's laughable as the one of the main moderators ( skin so white it's almost translucent) on NWD used to have Hillsburrito as his location on this forum.. You think he was refencing the great Hispanic heritage of the city?? Are you really that naïve ?? It's like coming on here "anonymously" seriously what does that show ?? lol Lastly but not leastly ,,,, Your a crybaby that's now dancing around like a 2 year old that just shit his pants cuz ,,,,, cuz,,,, well fuck if we can figure it out to be honest. I think Racheal Maddow reruns might be on so i better skeedaddle off for now.. You're welcome
  10. I would add something but last time I did he rage quit and ran off to his little pussified safe room .. cuz you’re a cry baby bitch Matt .
  11. Ok ignore the goat for second and let’s talk about the dude in background in what seems to be a creepy ass Sponge Bob suit.. what in the hell? .
  12. ^^^^ I should say,,, Most times you have to remove at least one set .
  13. I may be misunderstanding but,,,, You say “ won’t fit over studs”. ( I assume original studs) You have to remove the original studs that are in manifold
  14. So,,, we are FOR the Vietnam war now?? what kinda ignorant argument is that shit
  15. Maybe he never found part.. I just installed a 12’ high 36” wide 24’+ foot long shelving With 5 shelves in each bay (4) and removed a 67 mustang ,,,, and still can’t pull car into garage enough to work on it yet , because of all the junk.
  16. You should change title to include 420n620 might get more attention do an @420n620 also in each post asking
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