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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Left says “How dare you ,, We have to protect the oldest American citizens first” also 31 year old aoc
  2. Also ,, in respect for the new president i will from this time forward be racially identified as ChiCom. Inc
  3. I can’t be racist ,, I’m a minority.. it says so in the book . Hahaha but wait ,,,, isn’t using POC the same as calling someone colored which I thought was a derogatory term just a few decades ago?? The more things change ,, the more they stay the same.
  4. I haven’t ever identified as colored person or native .. None of my ancestors chased Gillian around no fucking island. I am an American Indian although being shouted down and personally threatened with violence for expressing my views by an idiot whitey ( that literally compared Hillary’s loss to the Holocaust on this forum ) might qualify me as such . FYI .. me and Kohearts both voted 3rd party that year. . .
  5. When you are to lazy to find remote and John Travolta is on your TV speaking in a really bad Russian accent for no apparent reason. .
  6. Dude,, we can totally wear matching asparagus green jock straps.. . .
  7. Growing up ,, Wife’s family always had Christmas party crab feed,, and after graduating high school “we” somehow became in charge of making/ bringing WonTons and sweet n sour dip ( we are talking 100s) .. and probably 3/4 of gallon of sauce. Most old timers have passed and property values were to enticing to pass up anymore , so they sold homesteads and ( got damn rich haha ) so no more parties.. BUT ,,, we usually wrap ( she cooks I wrap) probably close to a hundred for personal use at Christmas time.. I bet you can smell that Vinegar and sugar boiling for miles. .
  8. Didn’t most TV including your local “big three” have health professionals telling us all summer it IS ludicrous to think a safe vaccine could come before at least next summer ? . And how dangerous it might be to take? Now they are pointing at racial inequality in the past , OR better yet mistrust of federal government ( refer to first sentence of post) as being the reason people are skeptical of trusting getting a shot. Posting this brain fart because my niece posted on Facebook she got shot yesterday .. Pharmacist at (I think) the military base or for them somehow. (?) . anyway ,,
  9. We went down to waterfall but the parking lot and path to it were blocked off by the government to keep us all safe,, so we could only just stop on road and BS .. What was cool was,, the road to waterfall loops around that building and winds off ,, , which is cool as shit. .
  10. That’s pretty cool.. still got the truck? You can directly post now , you just have to limit picture size .. if it matters ,, I use IMGUR to store my stuff ,, I almost have it figured out using my phone.. for big posts I still use PC . I assume those pics will get locked up and disappear someday like photbuck but what the hell.. YOU can also use Instagram and directly post
  11. My brother in laws buddy built them a huge 4 poster waterbed with a mirror on top of it... Both brother-in-law and my sister used to say , it’s all well and good, till you woke up in the morning,,,, and there you were
  12. Sooo my youngest ( identical twins)are severely disabled .. since they have been alive (19 years) ,, every year we have been doing the hand sanitizer washing toys , since they don’t speak ,,, when they become sick it’s already full blow shit .. Since we like including family “stories” of heart ship in this thread to add some sort of impact .. TWO of their class mates/play mates ,, since kindergarten has passed away before they would have normally graduated.. but back to my sons In 2009 ( then 8 year olds) They both caught H1N1 swine flu,, one was hospitalized for more than a week .. the other was taken care at home for same time.. NONE of you self righteous mask shamers wore a mask then , “ to save the more vulnerable” .... why is it so important for ME to wear a mask for YOU or your kids/grandparents now?? after this blows over YOU will take off your mask during flu season.... putting all the less fortunate at extreme risk .. but outta news outta sight I guess .. but fuck it why should you care ... Right?? As the ponytailed girl says shame on you!! I ain’t looking for sympathy ,, far from it ,, I’m just trying to make you look in your own mirror.. and stay out of the background of mine. but I’m just a guy making poop jokes so who cares right? .
  13. and seriously what kinda monster decided to mix in raspberry flavoring??
  14. Maple syrup ,, just one more thing The whites have stolen/corrupted for greed from the indigenous peoples of North America.. .
  15. Sometimes life is a swift kick in the balls,, but sometimes, it makes the sun seem to sparkle even more brightly through the tears. .
  16. Not sure if some of you have seen DATnoobs tree decorations he did last year.. If you don't know Tacoma
  17. I shall work on it for you . Wife is USB port hogging lately .
  18. Yes that is it,, thank you ,, i honestly looked for it on map and couldn't find it to post.... With your help i found the other place We stopped at a place called Portland Women's Forum State Scenic Viewpoint on the way ,.. I am definitely going back for a picnic type action , as it was pretty cool as it was right off the freeway ..
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