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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I sent it personal message .. upper right corner . There should be a red dot with number . Click that , then click on letter icon .. should open up messenger.
  2. I sent you a phone number to call ,, guy in Tenino
  3. Didn’t work on the Flo but me and fucking Ted hung out over at Scalpum’s shed trying to figure out starting problem on his 521... Come to find out it was a battery cable that “looked” new but had internally corroded so had to much resistance to turn started.. kinda weird problem anyways.. I don’t have any of truck or his 1200 he’s rebuilding,, but I do have one of him driving us to get burger and a cable. cuz it annoys him when we post his noggin Lol
  4. I just rewatched the running man earlier ,, check out the very start .. The writers missed the year by just over 3 years .
  5. I must say ,, I think we’re making some excellent progress . .
  6. you know why Senators don’t use book markers?? they like their pages bent over
  7. Have you looked at the pictures though?? Or just written it off because you have bias? some of the comparisons seem to have merit
  8. In high school my brother-in-law had me change his water pump in his king cab 79 pickup for probably less then a Big Mac meal now.. that long ass bolt proceeded to break off drilling and grinding and tapping and cussing later got that sucker out .. then low and be fucking hold, after putting cover back on,, I bet it was 2 or more days trying to get the fucking oil pump and distributor to align again.. year was either 1983 or 4 . With no manual,, not even a useless Clinton manual cuz we were 40 minutes from any parts store . never really cared for them since .
  9. Pretty good considering we are also saving the world ,,,, again ,,, with our superior knowledge , money and power to come up with a vaccine and have it distributed to 3rd world countries like yours in less than a year. you are welcome
  10. if it matters I was literally taking a nap when you posted that
  11. I follow this guy on Facebook and he continually had “election fact checker” stamp on even pictures of him and his daughter .. Then you got same people screeching Nothing to see here .. yeah seems legit .
  12. I had an uncle named Clyde .. Named my Basiji - Beagle mix after him . Thing could jump like a cat and sounded like a garbage trucks brakes when it “barked”.
  13. Yep , the girls that go to Evergreen state college do sometimes have at least one solid punch,,, lots of facial hair and teeth like a piano left out side in the weather .
  14. my phones personal hotspot, I turn on it Home Depot and Walmart to freak the freakable
  15. i have always thought there was “something” about those Jagoffs .. now that I’m older I have realized they are based on me and all my friends.. Scruffy as shit , dumb as rocks, always up for something stupid, always getting caught ,, and most likely to come out with a stronger bond afterwards. ChiCom.com
  16. Do you really want to hang with guys riding Harleys ?? These guys seem way more interesting
  17. I too am very interested in the Georgia outcomes I got a bundle tied up in buying land in eastern Washington for the pay as you go re-education camps Heres to the new future .
  18. Who would have thought Ginger would out live Mary Ann .. 2020 .
  19. i baited to her drunken speeches, that picture is like seeing current pics of Myron Grombacher without veins bulging out of his arms.
  20. Merry Christmas Angela Hope we get down there or you come up to Oregon show , in the coming year ,, and hang out. .
  21. I bet if Verizon knew I had more than 4 tons of fertilizer and an old unlicensed box van,, I think my coverage would be just a little better. . .
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