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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. whoa whoa whoa slow your roll chief .. Nobody said you weren’t able to secure men driving that thing ,, even in the hood .
  2. First shot is for insertion of lubricant, second to insert tracking chip
  3. ain’t been that Far East in probably 8 years .. yes I’m going to Powerland,,, I heard there was going to be lectures on how Hillary Clinton would have been so great for our President, and how apparently Native Americans and Hispanics should be punished/ called racists for making fun of white males for thinking so. too soon ??
  4. One security in the mid of the night just rolled up , took a look told us to be safe and rolled off..
  5. We had one of the Costco type , up off the ground propane fire pits and security was “ok” with it ( finger quote) .. said he didn’t really like the cheap ones that sit directly on ground cuz they kill the grass though . like this NOT GOSPEL... Your mileage may vary
  6. no shit ?? Really ? .
  7. Have you tried looking for a usable 520 fender? You might as well be looking for a 411 fender .. and prices are up in the hundreds of dollars for rust free 521 has completely different shape on top .. except if course the one they made for like a half a year that most 521 guys will argue , doesn’t even exist.
  8. Clutch slave looks like B210 .
  9. UPDATE!! OK,,, i got a guy that tapes every race and rewatches them... I flipped him a little cash and showed him a picture from Canby that was posted showing Ranman AND This is what he came up with BOOM!! Doesn't look as exact as i first said But remember this is just a split second of a 3+ hour rain delay coverage.. . .
  10. my neighbor is going to make the trip in his 411 ,
  11. the answer is mostly nothing other than long blocks, 520 4speeds and 520 front door latch/locks (that little spring goes out you're fucked) and sd22 diesel bellhousings I still haven't got out there and took that picture yet. but i'm trying Ringo ,, i'm tryin real hard My new excuse is it's eastern wa hot and i'm an old clam. .
  12. Some travelin music for you fellow douche bags
  13. 411 can even keep up with antique cars... lol if you are on PC it looks horrible but on tiny phone it’s not too bad..
  14. ^^^ check out red eyes thread I have no idea how to post link on my phone .. Stans Headers in Auburn could probably do it also , but it ain’t gonna be Datsun priced .
  15. they are way more “sweet” and juicy .. great for onion rings and fried up to top burgers. Or on side like a pickle as there is very little strong sulfur flavor so you can eat them straight up.. it’s like the holes dude , you literally can eat them like that we have Walla Walla sweet here but these taste different because of soils .. Maui sweets are same type and taste different that either of those.
  16. So,, America may be falling apart but my aunt in Georgia sent us our box of Vidalia sweet onions .. So things can’t be all that hopeless. although since they are white onions “some” might assume they are racist ... so there’s that
  17. definitely more head room for sure . .
  18. Stay tuned for All the Indy 500 race coverage you really need
  19. Probably should be in post asses BUT just a heads up .. check out the scooter on the left front wheel “person” on the De-Silvestro car.
  20. picture was labeled 1957 so I think that puts it in the heydays of color picture use.
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