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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. they. both look like standard basic clusters ,, NOT the ones with silver surrounds
  2. Also, you have to click “ remember me” box or it has tendency to log you out when go to picture site , to retrieve pics.
  3. On phone I have to go to bottom of conversation and click blue “sign in now” to get there not sure why upper right is hidden,, it disappeared about 6-7 months ago on phone
  4. I'm not which dickhead moved the edit button to the quote button but ,, Jesus tap dance Christ ..
  5. In case you never heard of Saxon Although they were on Crusader tour at the time
  6. Went to that tour concert MY best Buddies... Chuckles, Joey, my now wife , and me in my 79 Ford Fiesta SAXON ,ACCEPT and Heavy Petting in the Paramount in Seattle Stopped at carnival and one of them won a 6' stuffed rabbit,,, god we were stoned back then . Anyway
  7. The dinosaurs of the Serengeti used imperial measurements to gather figs ,, George Washington counted the weight of his pot plants in pounds ,, it was good enough for them ,, it's good enough for me.
  8. HEY!! Anyone drive one of those new Dodge hellcats ?? Thing has 726.94 kgf/s. ,, and does 10.8 in the 0.402336 Kilo meter... Fuck Yeah !!
  9. Me and youngest sons took German Shepherd to stay at our cabin at beach though .. On shore flow came in at about 1pm yesterday… been 60 degrees since
  10. For what it's worth, i hate being a farmer @uberkevin I think you two are dreamers/free spirits and as such should follow them.. Go to Morocco, work the docks in Casablanca. Go to Swiss alps and get job as gondolier controller, or gift shop in a town that looks like it's straight out of a magazine. Prague,, and get touristy type job,, it may suck but the up side is you're in fucking Prague.. Not sure how 420 friendly any those are though. .. Living with parents doesn't bother me at all. I moved away by fall after graduation but not because i hated my parents, i just couldn't raise as much hell there. , . . .
  11. We own cabin/farm about 400 ft away from the Grayland community hall , so I'm sure we can make it. @Rick-rat
  12. i haven't had a job since 1995,,, 😅 First if you both have decent paying jobs and live rent free with no children and don't have a sizable savings, you definitely need to start a written down budget TODAY Ok, enough dad lecture for now ,,, check this Some of my old screw up buddies have made themselves a good living doing this shit. Not high paying but kind of " be your own boss" Buy a trailer with lean down rear so you can drive up into it , buy cheap ,dependable lawn mower , weedwacker , and a rake or grass blower,, also because sun causes cancer, buy a good head covering for the sun ,, hustle like a porn star, move to Miami beach,, and sand / varnish yachts woodwork ,, railings, exterior trim,, shit like that... All you need is a small handheld tool box with sandpaper, wipe rags, little cans of varnish, small battery powered vacuum and paint brushes ( maybe a small foldable chair) . It's an ongoing thing on every yacht, so you are never really done. Before he died of violence's, my highschool friend made an obnoxious amount Buy a small dump truck (5 yard-ish) off a farmer- older gas powered so cheap buy and to maintain. deliver dirt and gravel all over.. Beauty is its small enough to get into properties 10-12 yard trucks can't . retire to San Felipe Mexico and rent bicycles by the seashore ,, not as insane as it sounds. . .
  13. It's Canada though. most of Their scary animal are all gigantic versions of shit.. Grizzlies, Moose, Mountain lions,, and killer whales. ,
  14. there's been some kind of weird glitch .. I posted this in a different thread …. this morning !!
  15. This is why I go to this event ,, was about 10 last night ( camera pointed at ground to protect the guilty) Good people having a good time ,, together . Datsuns fuck yeah . .
  16. It’s a blue tarp tent camper morning here in the am
  17. Tracking?? Lol Transmissions haven’t been out going since the late 90s .
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