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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Are you sure Jrock is cool with you guys driving Datsuns this time?? .
  2. I should add in case if I seem to be down playing ,, it was painful couple of weeks for sure. . Two of my older buddies got the monoclonal antibody treatment and they said they felt way better in just hours. But they are banged up from hard living and in their 60s (not sure of age but both talk of fighting the Vietcong). So whatever age that is . So they were offered it without asking.. i Was offered it but I blew it off not sure if a younger “healthier” person can get it .. you also would have to get an official positive test . Maybe fib a bit about your health if you don’t have primary so they don’t have records to check(?) .
  3. I wasn’t vaccinated,, none of my sons are and my 73 year old neighbor wasn’t .. wife who was vaxed had it worse than boys, and lost smell taste. Probably her age. Like I wrote,, me and neighbor are on target to die early deaths from compound “comorbidities” and we are just fine other than not being able to taste or smell . (Edit) I do have one son that’s works for the Wa state patrol that is vaxed but he doesn’t hang out with us garage rats and I learned today he buys his groceries at Fred Meyers by that pick it up app…. We pull in parking lot today and I’m telling him there’s a space ,, there’s a space and he seems to be ignoring me.. Then he parks at the signs saying pickup ,, I’m all ,, What in tar-fuckin-nation ? anyways . Although economy included which isnt right cuz Joe says it’s BOOMING!!
  4. Might be old news but these were at Freddys last night.
  5. I think my neighbor is about finished with his ark . .
  6. Was told by a reliable source, today was the last day till sometime after Christmas the Mr. Taco van would be open… so I’m in
  7. I tested positive November 11th,, FAT510 brought it home from work .. 4 others in our home tested positive. We all got over it , I was the “worst case” .. spent more than a week in bed so tired all I could do was sleep.. everyone else including wife ( vaccinated) was tired for about a week.. and if you seen me I’m not exactly the picture of fucking health .. my neighbor 73 tested positive for it about a week and half ago ,, WAY over weight .. She didn’t go to doctor was bedridden sick for about a week… THEN her friend got her some Ivermectin ( we live in horse country) I helped her unload her frozen dog food out of her truck about 5 pm tonight
  8. Isn’t the dude with root beer brown 510 on air suspension up in Arlington(?) named Casey ,, with a crazy looking last name ??
  9. The pictures you posted are to small to see .
  10. It's always been pretty ,,,,, slow but i only was there during summer break. I guess it was a little more prosperous until they closed the tire plant in Miami ( can't remember if firestone or Goodyear) Fun fact ,,, i remember my uncle used to take us kids up to Picher and slide down all the cool mining waste hills there ,,,,, i guess they call it a "super fund site" now.. who knew ,,, lol Except for the occasional flooding,,, out by Grove Ok. is pretty nice livin,, with all the lakes and such.. . .
  11. Man it's been rubber boots weather since mid October .. Even for here that's pretty harsh.
  12. I’m only quoting this post because it’s the last … but I think TV is pretty accurate really So,, out of what we call “Olympia wa Datsun clowns” half of the us are mixed “race” families,, like CLEARLY, mixed .. and honestly every meet I’ve went to from North Vancouver BC to Eaglerock CA has been very diverse. I have to put out there that Olympia area is VERY white so, who cares but like my old boss used to say it takes a lot of different people to make a world if it matters both my grandparents are buried in the Wyandotte Indian cemetery. BUT I am not including myself in being in a mixed race relationship anyways
  13. I realize this thread has run it’s course BUT
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