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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. yes , exactly Mr. Dude Just a reminder if some out there don’t know,, My youngest ( identical twins) are as fragile of human beings that have ever been born on the planet.. Since they are adults ( funny taking them to tavern as they are still very much childlike but can legally eat at bar). ,, we are legal guardians now so kinda at governments mercy with no recourse as why they can probably take them away now if not following whatever horseshit .. anyways Wife took them to Tacoma at one of those large “ drive thru” events in , April or May I’m thinkin,, to get maybe them vaccinated with the Trump cure , lol , long story short the head of the Pierce county health dept , that was there that day overseeing ,, was unsure if they could be safely vaccinated. Small rant Guardianship ,, funny how the government makes you pay a relatively high legal bill to take your title as parents away from you .. lol , If it wasn’t so sad .
  2. so you are trying to say Google/Facebook/Instagram/YouTube/Twitter haven’t openly said they are censoring covid content not aligned with their views Really ?? OK asking someone to find stuff that has been censored off the internet by using the internet to back up their claim … lol I switched to DuckDuckGo to get stuff not directly aligned Jeff Bezos governments official world view.
  3. I’m not the one who wrote articles., aka “ the reporter” but going off the fact the New York Times ( notice I included the name at top of screenshot) is about as left leaning bird cage filler as you can get I’m surprised 9 could even get through their screeners .. You “reported” the vaccine as perfectly safe .. and like I said Google and all it’s tentacles ain’t going to let you find shit arguing against their narrative.. so ok
  4. Not sure where Doody got that number ,but , I don’t think the 98% in somewhat healthy adult Americans is even close to accurate.. I don’t think covid has anywhere near 2% mortally rate. But I’m not going to go look right now . I was never arguing old people getting vaccinated,, cuz I honestly don’t give a shit.. i “” a relatively unhealthy middle aged person”” was tested positive,,( in a clinical setting) for covid a month or so ago and I was out digging ditches just yesterday because of the flooding . So I’m not scared of dying from the sweet and sour sniffles. Also about the vaccine with trace amounts of stainless steel in it ,, if you notice who said it was safe ,,, it was the manufacturer that said it’s perfectly safe ,, lol. .
  5. The “9” is being stressed as a number from god,, I see it as the number the government/big tech will allow through their “fact checker” system.. like I mentioned ,, the article was explaining why a sitting senator was permanently banned off Twitter for posting CDC and dept of whatever-the fuck numbers as “facts” I asssssume the same place the 1250 number is coming from ,, lol Ok,, from sept.. how about giving your child a possibly permanent heart condition with odds of 1-5000?? Is that enough % ?
  6. you are citing the CDC ?? Well as the article I posted clearly states as to the reason why Taylor-Green was banned off Twitter. And not responding like a snarky little dipshit is hard when you don’t understand difficult thoughts But not that hard
  7. Think the media is telling you the truth ?? Look how this is worded now I’m no scientist but I would say DEATH is a pretty major side effect .. …
  8. while that may be true ,, that is Vietnam. Racist . .lol
  9. try using DuckDuckGo to search instead of google .. results arent quite as censored for fans of joy Behar
  10. my doctor is an young Asian woman… I’m not seeing the down side of your argument.
  11. OR it proves French socialized medicine sucks donkey balls .. Or they were injected with so much toxic shit in their faces alone , they were walking toxin dumps OR . But I’m sure the ladies on the View would disagree just like you also .
  12. Every rose has it’s thorn Poison .
  13. yeah ,, last year I used my 4x4 Kubota with a bucket loader and it took all day doing my neighbors and mine because snow was so deep.. then it snowed again almost as much and on top of that snowplows dumped all that nights snow back into entrances again. was Snowmagedon last year? man I hadn’t had that size snow piles in yard since forever ago.
  14. We get about 1 maybe 2 heavy snows every year and the beauty of living here is warm air 40+ usually rolls in about 4-5 days and it goes away . Or at least turns to liquid in day so easy to move around ..
  15. Hey old man,, you need to get yourself a old tractor .. that way all your neighbors SEE you sipping your drink of choice whilst having fun in the snow scraping the drive as jagoff McMansion dwellers that live down the road ,,, drive by and not theirs .. Well unless they buy you Chinese food ,, then it’s an investment.
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