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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. CANBY IN A DATSUN FUCKER!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yeah those artistic Lexi pictures i asked for ,,,,,,,,,, and not just the nude ones she texts me and Jrock all the time. Oh and i seem to remember a year ago when you asked about getting a job,,,, I said there is a huge amount of warehouse work in this area because of our location that pays well,,,,,,,, and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, COSTCO!! , pressure washer boi.
  3. What the fuck are you panty waste tree huggers even talking about?????????
  4. Can you print any registration number?? I have 66 tags but might buy another if you can match the same number i have already,,,, it probably doesn't matter BUT better safe than sorry if it is somehow written down in the basement of Wa state DOT somewheres. Are they as sticky and UV resistant as the originals or am i going to have to replace in 2 years??
  5. What if a mentally unstable person got pregnant ? Would you want the state to take the baby away?? News flash , they already do on a very regular basis.
  6. Traffic over there was really slowing down in the last year... I never posted but i would go over there sometimes ,, alot of the threads were ancient.. 720 world says i have to pay $5. to get whole site, ( not sure if true) , so i stopped looking in on them since last winter.
  7. Nope. Just sitting back enjoying Costco microwave popcorn,, listening to one of the neighbors target practice in his backyard... seriously
  8. Yes but no one has control over how someone elses kids are raised, or which ones will become murderous adults,,,,, so in my context ,,, they all have to die,,,,,,,,,,, slowest ones first
  9. humor and understanding humor is everything. Cuz i really don't believe i can change anything except my underware,,,,,,, and i "choose" not to do that.
  10. See maybe those guys aren't "crazy" ,,,, maybe they are just ahead of the curve,,,,,,,, since as you say it's the fucked up kids we need to eliminate...
  11. Not me . permits are a nightmare . i would much rather spend time dinking around with my home repairs without any county govermental involvement ,,, ever.... You would be surprised at what they will make you fix just to check off your new building... Building over existing concrete slab is probably not an option with them since there is probably no record of how thick it is in the middle. What you need is a tape measure , square , chop saw ,, and an air nail gun ( full size not some dinky ass Harbor freight POS), you would be surprised at how much you can fix with enough nails and lumber.
  12. Nah,,, just get a jack under that corner and jack up till it creeks,,,,,,,,,,,,, then shore it up.. Done and done.
  13. So will those tires be able to handle the power of the chevy V8 your installing ?? I know it might be a "old guy" thing but i like the look of rubber under the car.. Not a real fan of big rim , G-string tire look myself......... Or is it tyre because it's European?
  14. I have been around a huge amount of chain driven farming equipment ever since i was born, running chains sometimes as long as 6 feet,, some high speed ( 2500-3500 rpm) low torque , some low speed (100-200 rpm) with lots of torque,,,,, my opinion is i would never put a bearing type idler pulley inside my engine, ever.. The OG rubber lasts years and eventually you take it out ,, most of the time you could probably re-use.......... Bearing idlers have a sudden failure rate that makes them very unpredictable , at best.. No matter how much grease you use,, most expensive bearings used,, long chain , short chain , it doesn't matter. The bearings don't always make noise but develop extreme wobbles and the chain gets loose as hell,, and the metal shavings (dust) are everywhere in just a few hours of use ,,, when bad. My opinion,,, but 49 years of seeing it out in the open you can see what is happening first hand.
  15. I like the minilites best...
  16. I'm not sure man,,, but i believe you're supposed to cut the tunnel hole another 7-8 inches back to make it truly "show quality",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least that is what i have heard.
  17. I have to pick cranberrys in Grayland every weekend till the end of October. I leave about 6:00am to be there early enough to spend a little time on maintenance of machinery and get the plan of attack for the day/ weekend If you can find the house again,, my wife could give you your ratchet and extention back,,, since Donovan forgot to bring it with him when he came up there...
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