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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. When all tree cutting is outlawed only outlaws will cut trees.
  2. Because of 25 degree temps and freezing fog,,,, route to Astoria has been changed,,, Going I5 to KELSO then over to Asstoria We should be in Kelso about 10am ,,,,,,,,,, not sure when we will be in Astoreupia maybe about 11:30(?) WE will be finding a first stopping point in Astoria now ..........NOT SEAVIEW _______________________________________________________ :sneaky: I'm thinking leaving the Chehalis Kmart at about 9:00 am and heading out there on hiway 6, i thought later "might" get more people but being Sunday it would be nice to get home before 3 am ... Figured we could meet-up with guys from down there ( in Seaview ) that know their way around better to take us on a ( SHORT) scenic trip of their choosing and hard park somewheres for awhile.. then tell us your suggestion for a place to scarf some grub. Still winging it as i aint had time to gather in one place and talk personally to, Nelson, my son Albert and Ted ( the only guys i know for sure might go if one of them doesn't have a second nieces birthday or third cousins wedding they will use as an excuse ,,,,,,,, again ) .. https://goo.gl/maps/CtBvm5FB5Vz We are most likely coming all the way up the coast and then through Aberdeen on the way back . We will be stopping near Tokeland / Grayland area for a few minutes also. If you have suggestions about after we land in Seaview OR an alternative to seaview spit it out,, so we can discuss. WE ARE OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS cuz we are going regardless seeing shit we normally wouldn't is always good. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Just because Izzo is a total fucking douche most times ,, does not mean he should be always left out of things.. We could roll down to Long beach/ llwaco by way of Pe Ell ... Or through Aberdeen and down the coast,, ( that would take a lot longer though) ........ Maybe have cheap eats somewhere and maybe go over Astoria bridge and what-not... Fuck it who cares.
  3. I have a 4" grinder if you spriing for a pack of Harbor Freight cutter wheels.. Do you have a running, driving 411 right now ??
  4. You know,,,, maybe he is onto something,,,,,,,,,,,, if we once and for all got rid of those "funny looking" 73-76 types cars there might be space for more desirable car content.
  5. Do you have any idea how many models of cars/trucks and engines Datsuns came with??? Holy sheep shit
  6. Drove up to Tacoma and got some replacement side cover (tappet cover) gaskets at Brooklands British auto parts today.. $3.00 a piece... Installed the front one in,, but probably going to have to take intake exhaust off to get rear one in ,, what a nightmare... Lost the camera wire so if you wanna see pictures you're going to have to drive over here.. Does anyone know if a MGB intake / exhaust gasket fit J13,,, even if it has a few fixable issues?? I know you can use MGB exhaust manifold but not sure if gasket is the same-ish ... Probably going to pick one up Monday but thought i would ask anyways.
  7. Not a Datsun but still pretty cool http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/skoda/auction-890528354.htm Skoda T-55 Tank 1960 See my other listings for an even bigger Centurion Main Battle Tank for sale! :lol:
  8. Well in their defense there might already be oil spots on that part of the carpet.
  9. Probably. Oh you said "is that" not "fucking a" my bad
  10. That is a darrin theory you have there, My oldest sons have their mothers ears,,,,,,,,,, it's like that show Arthur around these parts.
  11. Do you hate NapZ ? Or just don't know where parts are?? Emerys auto wrecking ,, over by Aberdeen auto wreckers had a few Napz 24s that turned over by hand in trucks out back. and a pretty nice head in the counter area, when we were there 6 months or so ago .. I assume that kinda thing doesn't sell real fast,, maybe i'm wrong. Bill out in Elma might be able to put you something together for a reasonable price,, if your block is still good and just hate Napz head on it.
  12. HA!! Lot you know,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there's no sun in Grayland,,,, ever hence the name. .
  13. If you are refering to me giving my many,, many years of working in and around many sizes of roller chain type, bearing chain sprocket idler pulleys of every size conceivable ,, i'm not talking manure spreaders............ Well i ask you this,.... Why has no major auto manufacturer ( with their trillions of dollars in R&D and zillions of test miles) use a bearing chain sprockets on their major timimg chains and opt for rubbing blocks??? Or even most motorcycles ever ,, on their main drive chain ,??? Answer ,,, i already stated it in my earlier post. Bagging would be me saying i don't like it with no prior experiance to back my statement up,,,,,,,,,,,, i was stating fact that i have seen in person and re-engineered stress points to alieve stress and slightly improve bearing life. and just labeling something "off road only" that is going to be a detriment to the running of a car if it suddenly fails,,,,,,,,,,,,, does not change the fact that I still think it is a bad idea to use one in your engine in my OPINION. If your not talking about me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well there you go. :rofl: If Mattendew didn't want opinions he should have just made them,, labeled them off road only, and sold them,, but he put this in discussions,,, so i gave my .03 cents Do what you want .
  14. None of those 2doors are anywhere near PNW ,,, and did you actually look at the pictures for the brown wagon.. :rofl: :rofl: I think garbage dumpsters are already plentiful in the UK .. ______________________________________________________________________________________ :ph34r:
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