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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. You Canadians do know you use more oil per capita than the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't you? And have for many years ... whoops ,,,,, facts suck
  2. I ate so much at the dilla factory i can barely breath,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuck yeah.
  3. you need photobucket or the like type account to store your pics. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/ To get this . If you right click your Facebook pic ,,then select copy image location ,, then click that geen square ^^ up there under the smiley face and "A" then paste in box it will also work (instant gratification) but i think those pictures don't last very long,,, which sucks if someone came here a couple years from now,, there wouldn't be any pics for them to see.
  4. I hate to break the news to you but those are just squiggly lines KoopatroopaGTA drew in there
  5. On a side note,,,,,,,,,,,,,, between putting on a new roof,, finishing a piece of eqiupment for my dad and harvest,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i completely forgot all about your shit man..
  6. There is no way you're going to be able to heat ,, those aluminum pivots hot enough and cool with penatrating oil or ( just oil )over and over,, in the car.. That shiz is usually locked in a molecular bond only the devil hisself could create. i did them in my 510 and just did them in my 411 proof
  7. I believe he was going to a mechanics trade school....... Unless he changed his look to fit in down there,, if you see Apollo77 ,,, you will know it is him.
  8. Oh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, cuz guns are bad,
  9. It didn't go away,,, that is a current team/club at the high school just like any other team... FAT510 was on it . They go up against Centralia, Chehalis , Montesano and a few other high schools around here. I think some of it is cost to win,,, they have nice rifles (at the school) but those kids that bring in those $5000. fully ballanced and personally fitted Anschutz rifles pretty much clean up.
  10. Just like the football team recruits the biggest and fastest ,, the rifle team searches the school for what are obviously the most dangerous ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  11. What cracks me up is the 79 picture with the kid in the Hamms beer shirt,,,,,,,,,,, :lol: probably couldn't even wear that to high school now.
  12. Yet another story about guns in school.... http://www.tumwater.k12.wa.us/Domain/990 .
  13. At which time he realized those train tracks weren't a jogging trail as he was led to believe.
  14. Why not just cut the tranny hole all the way to the back so you don't have to crawl under truck to hook up driveline??
  15. If you are just trying to get mounting nuts off.... You can heat nut with real torch if use a large fender washer with a hole just bigger than the nut and heat the living shit out of it real quick.. You could also make a shield that is larger by just drilling a hole into a piece of sheet metal.. DON"T USE TO THIN OF METAL.!! it will burn right through and torch the paint fast.
  16. Watching the uniform changing dorks play the cougars with your idiot brother in law from Veneta ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, priceless.
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