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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I should come over today and make you stand outside to talk to me ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,,,,,,,, IF i can, canoe out to one of the vehicles in the yard.
  2. And yeah those 4runners don't seem to pass a whole lot of gas stations but at least gas is down so you can enjoy it more.
  3. Insurance company fought us on our sons 85 celica over what it was worth,,, finally gave us $2500. NADA lowest value that we asked for to begin with,, with the totaled car included.. 80s Toyotas aren't those cheap ass throw away cars they used to be 15 years ago. Hell just one tail light on your wagon would cost more than what the whole wagon was worth back then..
  4. I'm thinking the Poseidon adventure would be a better movie to see in this weather.
  5. Native be changin wheels all NASCAR style ,, Yo.
  6. Not mine but thought it is a pretty nice looking rig..
  7. Doood! do you KFOG? cuz it's great,, no matter what blazing cynical shit i type i'm always in a upbeat mellow mood .
  8. i just wanted to use that quote as a remembrance of classifieds past.
  9. Oh,,,,,,,,,,, and my wifes kid is an asshole .
  10. All i was doing was trolling Micro for trolling Rick ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you wanna step into the middle at least have your shit straight when doing so.
  11. Ironic?? Do you even understand what that word even means?? BECAUSE <,, The pictures you posted were from MARCH 14th !! Even the most helpless of retards Well except those guys that liked your post could probably understand that is a full 3 months before it was raffled off Yeah why would the guys who were there every day ever think of tightening the nuts,,,,,,,,,, yeah silly me ,, what was i thinking.?? You win Lesson learned on my part
  12. Heard that before. Me Ted and Scalpum are spending most of the day tomorrow pulling Datsuns out of a cow field ,, so we won't be makin this either................ Although if it goes as good as today did we will be doing it, for the rest of our ,,,short,,,,,,,,,,, pitiful ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, lives.
  13. I'm glad to see it finally is going to someone that knows how to work on Datsuns. Banzai Haniz
  14. Or should this go in sightings? https://seattle.craigslist.org/oly/mis/5343826682.html
  15. You read and liked Raphs post about last year on the last page,,,,,,,,,,,, sooo you are perfectly A OK with rehashing some bullshit from last year as long as it is in your favor,,,,,,,,,,, so again FUCK YOU and your dangerous workmanship.
  16. So with that bullshit statement you seem to be calling me a liar,, Cuz if that is the case FUCK YOU !! and if you wanna meet somewhere to say it to my face this weekend i will be happy to be there Maybe smoking less dope and paying attention to detail might have help in that situation... So you"re ok with it being dangerous??? What if someone that didn't know cars won that dangerous piece of shit?? And I too want to help out with Canby ,,,IF they accommodate my every request and it doesn't inconvenience me in any way..
  17. You know i used to like Dave Grohl ,,, till he married that blonde chick and killed himself
  18. I worked on that fucking thing AFTER it was delivered ... Seriously who leaves the WHOLE steering system FINGER FUCKING TIGHT ???? WHO ??? YOU??
  19. Rains to much there and the storage fees got to high and once the downtown was full they had to move the whole operation and what-not... From what i understand at first the hipsters started buying clothes made out of feces,, but that went to shit a few years ago,,,, but you have probably never heard of it.
  20. By the smell of the place i would say they ship it to Eastern Washington around the tri-cities area.
  21. In California they are governmentally mandated to shit in brick form as it is easier to store that way.
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