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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Most junkyards around here don't allow you to use any kind of power tool to cut body parts off anymore so cab corners are going to be real tough.. If you are really serious about getting parts PM this guy,, http://community.ratsun.net/user/37-tdaaj/ He is ALWAYS hunting for Datsun parts and he might cut some apart and ship.... He aint going to do it for free though, so if you're looking for some at that price ,, don't bother.
  2. How about when you call a grown ass adult man from the store that you just saw one,, and he talks YOU into buying it for him??
  3. You just want guys to take scoop up a bunch of gravel and take some home, so you could always have a story about how a bunch of gullible dudes online gathered up a pile of rocks and took them home,,,,,,,,,,,,, Cuz you took a leak on them. :sneaky: Yes we were the kids that would pee in the lemonade and sell it to our older brothers. :lol: .
  4. I would respond with a snarky remark that we have a few music threads already and that would probably a more appropriate venue for posting "music" videos,,,, rather than a thread for posting strange pictures and of course the building of worst thread ever,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but you would probably just tattle on us again.
  5. The 2.9 was a completely redesigned engine and with fuel injection,, other than being about the same size they have nothing in common,, even the bellhousings are different.... 2.9 good "peppy" engine 2.8 ,, not so much
  6. That's pretty cool how they got the images to spin in the ad..
  7. The un-fixable lifter rattle is what distinguishs it as number one since the rod knock and pinging under load is factory installed on both engines.
  8. Aaaaaahhh the venerable Chevy 2.8,, which holds the honorable distinction as the only V6 on the planet more gutless and poorly built than a Ford 2.8
  9. My phone battery was making that beeping sound that indicates you are going to have to talk at 250% of normal speed before it drops call,,, and i forgot his last name right as he answered............................. Telemarketers always use your last name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but i was committed ... Spideman,, spideman,, his last name is like spiderman.
  10. I ate pizza while hanging my head off the end of the couch when i was a kid.......... So i have a pretty good understanding of your country as well.
  11. Strangely enough i didn't open hood because camera i was using memory card was used up with pics of my cousins from Chicago i haven't seen since 1980.. ( that's why there isn't a ton of pictures) . But i was thinking someone told me many years ago it was the smaller 300 V8 not nailhead it should look normal.
  12. If it was a 68 or 69 skylark i would have got in and locked the doors ,, till they just let me have it. My best friend had a 68/69 GS 400 4speed ,, silver with black vinyl top, ( obviously well used) that he bought from money working in his dads butcher shop... The clutch went out and he sold it to his brother for $400. bucks .. Who promptly put his camaro 305 with automatic in it so his girlfriend could drive it.. But remember those G50 series tires you had to jack the back of the car up to clear,,,,,,,,,,,, well the air shocks made the car bounce to much for her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, so you guessed it,,,,,,, they cut the rear fenders so you could lower it some......... :geek:
  13. The top is just 2-tone paint from factory not vinyl. Miller genuine draft,,,, usually in a can . Not an over drinker ,, like all the decedents of my dads side of the family ,,, but she would drink almost any adult beverage if offered to her. She was married when the car was bought, so my uncle probably picked the options,, but he passed in the early 80s. Little red label says "do not forget" meaning check the oil because it hardly ever got driven ,, it was on there as long as i can ever remember. Looks like someone left their seat belt hanging out the door at least once. :D
  14. Sounds like some kinda hippy Communism to me .
  15. She was cremated,, so i assume ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, if he really needed to..
  16. Her only living sister ( my mom died) is going to put it up for sale through a broker in Beaverton Or and ask $6000. i think they said dealer is getting 10% . ... So before it goes to the broker on Wednesday,, you could get it for 10% less if you Jewed them and had CASH My dad loves it and could easily buy it ,, but it was ordered without power steering and he is 84 himself,,, and i don't have the money,,, or a big enough garage to give it the home it would deserve. Year she bought it at my parents house.
  17. So my 87 year old Aunt died and her wake was Sunday............ Here is the 67 Buick Skylark she had owned since ,,,,,,,,,,,,, it rolled outta fuckin Detroit . She always had a big toothy smile and an ice cold beer in her hand
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