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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Mine is in garage parked next to my new Buick. But unlike yours i could drive it out and around in the rain,,, like i did yesterday because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well,,,, because i don't suck at fixing Datsuns.
  2. Really?? Now how the fuck would i have ever known H1n1-Okey-dude was going to comment that that girl was Asian??
  3. She looks almost Asian?? :rofl: :rofl: Me and FAT510 went Christmas shopping this afternoon.
  4. Does nobody in Georgia know how to tighten stuff??
  5. says the king of Ratsun reposters. Dig this... To be a repost,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, the pictures would need to be repeated .. MY post did not include any of your pictures and Eds post did not include any of either of ours,,,,,,, sooooooooooooooo. I guess the :rofl: is all ours really..... You're welcome
  6. Dude,,,,,,,,,, Archimedes invented the pulley block over 2000 years ago. and bout 2 days ago Harbor freight tool invented door busting 40% markdowns on imported Chinese goods such as rope. Not a Datsun but wouldn't this thing be cool as hell?? https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/5310857070.html
  7. We would go through one of those britta filters in about a month I am more partial to Annie than Britta
  8. We gave up filtering water here early in the 90s,, cost just to much in the long run.. Like i mentioned we use it for everything but actual drinking,,, except maybe when outside drinking from hose on hot afternoon.. Hell i think the sulfur and iron might be what makes the wife's spaghetti taste so good. But put that shit in a cup where your nose can take in all the distinct aromas and whooooa boy :sick: When we first bought this dump in late 89 i asked the neighbor if his water tasted weird,,, he said no it tastes normal... Ok,,,,,,,,,,,, skip ahead to 96 when after getting property back in settlement after wife kicked him out for about 2-3 years,,,,,,,,, comes over,,,,,,, does your water taste like frogs?? Yep. always has. :rofl:
  9. Maybe you city folk have pleasant water but our well water smells like a frog is swimming in it when it's in a glass. We use tap water for everything (even cooking) but if i wanted to smell sulfur when i'm having a sip i would rather go to Yellow stone park. You can't even make ice out of our tap water without it turning your drink into a stinkbug cocktail.
  10. There is no way there isn't someone already on their way to pick that up tonight.
  11. You went to the drive-in last Saturday,,,,,,,,,,,,,, jesus could you even see the screen?? It's been quite a few years since it has rained this hard for so long..
  12. And yeah if it was a month or two but holy shit it's been less than a week,,, and we live where more than a couple hundred people can afford to go to the movies without cashing their govement checks.
  13. We have spoiler box option so we don't even see it if we scroll past. .
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