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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. . What if you turn out to be that weird, off beat, teacher that gets through to them.
  2. How would you know if you never have taught?? Who taught your kids to walk?? Who taught your kids to read?? Who taught your kids to ride bikes?? I'm glad your wife's boyfriends don't have the same attitude on "teaching" as you,,,,
  3. I'm am not sure why in the hell they ever would have thought getting rid of Haurbgh was a good idea i will never know..... That was one of THE toughest teams to beat in the whole god damn NFL with that guy at the helm ... Yes they had a bad year,,, but they were still way over 500 .
  4. No-one else finds it funny the only two assholes running for anything couldn't get on the fucking ballot??
  5. Perfect,,,, at least we can rest our players during those two games again next year too..
  6. But at least they drive on the correct side of the road. Need to weld those blocks on this. .
  7. I blew that picture way the fuck up to read what was under the main word and there is no registered trademark after the R that all Fender shirts have ,,, sooooo it must be Fucker
  8. I should give you the number of my wifes Korean manicurist? Your tips are nice ,, but those cuticles are just awful
  9. Fuck!!!!!!!! Lynyrd Skynyrd died today too?? I guess QTip was right...
  10. There is much to much jungle noises in Led Zepplin songs for me.
  11. Is a mother fucker gonna make us all go get a brotherhood of man or iron fist video my self?? Summavabitch!
  12. That potassium stuff made my arms hurt,, but at least i didn't have to replace with something so overpriced you can only get medicine on paydays like some guys i know. Friend got prescribed this weird medicine that is a pill inside a pill affair, and he pays something like $100. after insurance.
  13. Man i hear you,, i had lost my garage keys ( all keys including house on one ring) a few winters ago ,, after a couple days i gave up looking... After about 3 weeks i figured fuck it ,, i would just go out and unscrew sheet metal to get in............ Keys were in the fucking door. :rofl: :rofl:
  14. Man i have been taking lisinopril and metoprolol since 2003 just to keep my blood pressure lower than a 12 horsepower pressurewasher.
  15. You are supposed to have those done regularly after you get,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, um,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, how do i break it to you gently,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, old. Most people don't DIE from heart attacks,,, they die from cardiac arrest,,, which that tests for.
  16. Hitler defended his action till death too. So what's the deal with all the extra mods tonight?? Was facebook closed or something?
  17. Well i can tell you this for the truth,,, It's gonna take way more than some goofy fucking sticker to rectify this situation ..
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