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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It was hard to find,, as it was on like page 2690 of a 2710 page thread.. Scoll, scoll , scroll,,,,,,,,,, nope,,,,,,,,,,, scroll scroll scroll
  2. what the fuck is a pw-vents? Did you guys start another forum for henpecked husbands and boyfriends to tell everyone their frustration with their domineering mate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in the privacy of their own home??
  3. Christmas vacation ,,,, any day you don't hear of someone shooting people off the roof of a downtown building wearing a chicken suit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, is a good day.
  4. You are the "you're getting pretty old to still be doing that aren't you" guy ,,,, not an actual "old" person yet..
  5. Oh i got shit to do,,,,,,,,, i'm just hanging around to make you guys feel less left out... Seriously ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, shit to do.
  6. They are only worth something if someone else wants one............ So by the same reasoning you guys ignoring them is a good indication of what they would resale for. Just my opinion..
  7. i believe he has seen me scowl at him in person enough,, he can picture the stern look i have on my raggedy old, weather-beaten face ,,, right now.
  8. Who left the door open and let the old person wander in here?
  9. Having now looked up what a "swing kids" even was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wow ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i'm now thinking that for someone to ever bring up that as a reference ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have to change my opinion from the eccentric madman Richard Mulligan in teachers and definely not Rip Torns version of the haggard curmudgeon Patches O'houlihan.......................... To what appears to me to be One ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Herbert Garrison ,,, of South park
  10. Slacker part is probably pretty accurate,, but to handsome,,, probably more like Patches O'houlihan
  11. I'm glad those guys up in Everett don't listen to you guys.. Their shit is loooooooooooooooooooow to the ground and dope as fuck.
  12. Wrong movie ,, he was a psychologist in that one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm not so sure Robin Williams would be a good example of teacher ( that got through to his student) since in the movie, Dead poets society, he was a teacher... BUT ... His student killed himself because he talked the kid into doing something his father strongly dis approved of. I was thinking more along the lines of the Richard Mulligan character in the movie "teachers" ..
  13. You killed the whole momentum of the thing with your little quips and smiley fucking emoticons. .. Man sometimes you need to stop thinking of yourself and take a look at the big picture man. Example: YOU are the Edie McClurg in this scenario .
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