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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. FYI . Smashing your dick between two coconuts is not considered "sex" in the normal world..
  2. Coconut milk is 25% saturated fat ,,, then they add carbohydrates (. Sugar has been linked to obesity, and suspected of, or fully implicated as a cause in the occurrence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia, macular degeneration, and tooth decay.) to make it taste like food. unsaturated fat is the good fat ,,,,,,,,,,, such as polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fats Your argument is not backed up by science ,,, Hippies believed they could all live together with love too........... Yeah that worked out for you lazy fuckers didn't it??
  3. Buy a top fuel dragster engine and a GE90-115B out of a Boeing 777 and fire them up every fucking day ..
  4. Hey mister coconut milk guy,,,,,, i looked up what coconut milk was ............. It's about 23% saturated fat.. FUCK!! You might as well be drinking cups full of liquid pig fat mixed with butter,,, made sweet enough to drink by adding a shit ton of processed sugar.. Fuckin Greeners
  5. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/44903-diy-sound-deadening-and-carpet-ratsun-style/
  6. HEY!! i pick out my own vegetables,,, hell i even went to safeway yesterday and picked my own oranges.. And on my way home i stopped at Vics pizza and picked a slice of the vegetarian pizza and it came with potatoes and onions,,,,,,, bro.
  7. If i wasn't so damn lazy i would take the German Shepherd over and crap in his businesses shrubs today.
  8. There is a HUGE amount of eastern Europeans in the tri-cities,, have no idea what countries they come from exactly, as their gibberish language all sounds the same to me.
  9. I remember a time,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a time before facebook,,,,,,,,,,, before texts .. When the only one i ever seen using slapdick was an outcast,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a pariah if you will.......................... a bane that went by the name ,,,,,,, JDong. Funny how times have changed my friends ,,,
  10. Really thought we could make it,, but apparently the power company has some stupid rule about paying once ever so often.. And some dingleberries spent to much on holidays to have extra gas money after that nonsense. .
  11. Wyoming might be ok,,, hell having Mr. Haney drop buy with needed farm supplies would be way easier than ordering from Amazon for sure.
  12. If Canpy took place in tri-cities in the winter.
  13. Well here's a couple ,, i think i can feel my blood pressure in my neck!!! so frustrating just to type out a word with that site open!! ]
  14. Oh i got cool pictures of yesterdays adventure ,,,,,, but photobucket has made me reboot my browser 2 fucking times ,,,,,,,, so far. please stand ,,,,,,, well ,,,,,,,,,, sit ,,,,,,,,,, by.
  15. All the anal sex in the restrooms finally got to you then??
  16. Fluke?? :rofl: :rofl: Like the vikings never scoring a touchdown in 8 quarters of football against the seaturkeys?? Dream on troll boy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they were the vikings coming into the game and they played exactly like the vikings by losing.,, using every way they knew how. losers ,,, now and always .
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