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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. A guy brought it up much like i just did and there was at least 4 other younger guys saying they did.. Most guys ( including poster) were pretty perplexed by the notion of it,,, much like our Ratwagon there.
  2. Whoops .. Noticed after posting this was wrong thread. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  3. So i was reading on a Australian hotrod forum that some people wipe standing up ,,, what the hell ??
  4. He was only awake because i needed him to go look at a first gen cressida this morning.. :angel:
  5. I don't know anything,, just what he wrote,, so don't flip out at me. _____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ NOT to take away from the seriousness of what greenbastard is saying ,, but "your buddy" Nelson is being mr tight lips on what is going on with this stupid machine.. What the fuck chuck?? Or should i say,,,,, Facebook boi . :geek: .
  6. Fuck!!! Micros flat tire of doom is spreading like wildfire down there.
  7. I'm sending PM cuz me a couple dickhead members were in the Beaverton area cleaning out my late aunts house in Beaverton ( the pink and black one across from veterans memorial park) and would have been cool to drop by and have lunch or bring you a sandwich at your break-time , or wha-ever the fuck. Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,, plus an attempt at jewing you out of some parts you might have.. :rofl: :rofl:
  8. Bill is a funny dude ,, he makes me smile... Alot of guys wonder why in the hell i would get rid of what in their minds is a "holy grail" type Datsun 510 to get a lowly 411.... Well,, you met the reason. Hell that blue R1600 411 in the garage more than holds it's own against American V8 powered cars at the 1/8th mile drags they have at the airport.. B) Thing about the price Mike, is you have to include the price of the bearing rebuild ON TOP OF the price for the tranny which are pretty out of control right now.. Hell i think people are paying close to $300. just for a used ( non-rebuilt) tranny .. Would i pay that much,,, not yet. Yeah,,, Bill is my friend but still ,,, it seems even the 620 guys are headed to the roadster price points of old.
  9. I didn't want to say anything ,,,,,,,,, you know.. because he's old .
  10. "Hey, Larry ,, you get that think to stop ??" "Kinda .." "Good enough ,, bill it."
  11. .Right click your image, then select copy image location ,, paste in green box right below "A" and smiley face
  12. Back in my day we stuck our butter knives into the burner on the stove and it was good enough for us..
  13. We should do next Tuesday ,,, I looked at the picture i drew after looking at Redeyes big green wiener truck and i am almost positive he has the fuel pressure regulator hooked straight into that small vacuum line sticking out (and up ) that you can see in your picture of new injector plugs.. .. Chris' 620 had the exact same thing going on when he walked me around his. Apparently all it needs is vacuum signal to work,,,,,,,,,, simple as that.
  14. Sounds like somebody had Chinese food for lunch
  15. Went by DBlists house earlier today ,, it's in black and white because it is an older flip phone. It is dedicated to his late friend Paul Berger,,,,,,, seen under car .
  16. Cool ,, i thought you were an older dude, and would have already purchased at least one house already. Or did you just not want to own before now?
  17. Ford type engine,,, like a world of outlaws winged sprint engine.. Probably no actual "Ford" parts though.
  18. Forget that president voting malarkey Hobospyder for Canby 2016
  19. You will,,, fix whatever the hell you need too to get that damn 620 to Canby again,,,,, Hobospyder can't NOT go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, you know how i get about that shit..
  20. The fact he can irritate both you and Rick,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, AT THE SAME TIME,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, well that shit just warms my heart really..
  21. I knew there was something i liked about the kid when i sold him that car..
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