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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Fuck yeah man,,,,,,,,,,,, those are badass for sure :thumbup:
  2. Did you not read what i wrote ?? Getting a car running with spunk and hard work,,,yes,,,,,,,,,,,, throwing money at it and saying " you had parts" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, buuuuullshit bullshit .
  3. Couldn't post pic i wanted ,,,,,,so you get these.
  4. When we were kids we hung out in a garage someone had spray painted VIVA El TWATO WANGO!! in giant runny red letters on the oil tank in the corner....... Every time i drive by that old garage i wonder if it is still on there.
  5. I think he was going over that pile and try to smash it through those trees.. The whole 3 acres is a mud pond in the winter as i have a ditch dug all the way from front yard to control water in front yard.
  6. Hey ,, nice driving Parnelli \ Seriously who gets stuck in their own back yard??? Dog even knew he fucked up.
  7. I tried watching road kill a few times,,, skipped around till i got near the end,,, and found something less annoying Seriously when you can throw unlimited funds at something and call it "cheap" yeah sure ..... Hey, look we got this duster going in less than a week,,,,,,,, yeah a fucking chicken pecking at a piano could probably accomplish that with more than $10,000 of parts ... Shit they took $800. headers and proceeded to destroy them to make them " work" ,,, kinda
  8. If the purpose of a car show is to see who can get the falling down drunkest, or worrying about having someones ignorant dog pissing on guys' fucking wheels they spent all morning cleaning/shining ,,,,,,,, have at it,,,,,,,,, I'm too old for that shit. Canby 2016,, if you don't wanna go,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, more parking for us.. It was the year someone ,,,, lol ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, brought that moonshine,,, you have to admit,, it had gotten a little rowdy, [ :rofl:]
  9. I grew up in the coast in Grayland,, and i really miss sitting in a car on the beach approach listening to the rain and wind blow so hard it rocks the vehicle . Kind of a weird zen
  10. There used to be a couple great places to nap in plant 2 under the tank line.. There were these passageways that no-one would ever see you in... If a guy on our crew had to sleep off a hard drink they would sometimes be found there. The Auburn plant by the wing dip area had the best under grating views as most the girls there were younger and fitter than the other plants,
  11. It seems like you posted that you don't have resistor before your coil ,, and maybe even a non-resistor type coil?? When you're running points having a resistor helps the points last longer.
  12. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ew !
  13. Yeah maybe for some ,, ,,, but i will be there just like i have been since 2009,
  14. It isn';t the ECU end we're having problems with ,, that end seemed pretty straight forward and he had that done lickety split..BUT The engine end of that harness he is using is insane... and the plugs it does have are so banged up and faded,, and in one case shortened for some damn reason.. it is really hard to even figure out where they used to go. Like the coil wire he mentioned ,, up there,, from the wiring diagram we seemed to find it,,, but it was wrapped up tighter than shit in a ball of tape,, when we first started this morning..
  15. That reminds me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, passed Lexi on the road ,, on my way home.
  16. Just monkey-ing around,,, i figure he could use an extra hand feeding shit in and outta tight places and i need to have a look at one of these things being wired up and such,,, and no better way to learn, than to do. If it works without much headache,, i'm kinda leaning toward that blackmarkit unit myself. ....
  17. Whoever is trying to text me,,, my phone is on the fritz,, the message comes in ,, but i can in no way read it. ..... haven't been able to in a couple weeks

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Oh,, i'm about to rotate that fucker way more times that 180 by the time it hits the ground.



    3. Scgreen620


      Maybe you need to clear your messages

    4. bananahamuck


      All cleared and i even re-booted(?) the dang think.


      All that got me was ,, now it gets worse service somehow.

  18. Now i know you must have gotten this home by now,, :D Now get us some dang side of the road and update pictures.. If update is a few pictures of it at the burger joint down the street,, THAT is more than good enough.
  19. Because 5speeds are included ( and if they are Z22s ) those prices seem close even out here on the west coast.. I personally would pick the one running in truck that way you know if it smokes or overheats and such.. The one laying in bed should be considered scrap .... $450. package deal for everything. Have him run the thing for awhile in case it only does weird things when warmed up.
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