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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Fucking Ted ,,,,,,,,,, i'm only there in the morning i have to haul ass,, at or before 1:00 pm
  2. Isn't it a law over there that,,, that car is supposed to be behind the bride and groom smoking the tires??? Where are those pics?
  3. Are you going to sell your 280ZX ,,, to buy a 280z ??
  4. Where the fuck is Farmer joe..??
  5. I think you posted that speech in the wrong thread,,, ;)
  6. You need a guy standing around giving you shit, Tuesday and/or Thursday or are you not going to be ready yet?? Mondays are all but impossible ,,,, and got a bunch of shit for not going to check on bakery operation last Wednesday like i told my wife i would,,, so nuts are still kinda sore from that fuckup.... So only gots Tues and/or Thurs
  7. So you are buying a bulkhead connector........just like i asked you ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, when you and my fucking son were starring at me like i was speaking fucking Chinese.... Me: Oh you mean like a bulkhead fitting type thing?? ( holding out my hands trying to describe shape to you idiots ) YOU and DONOVAN: Whaaaaa? No man it's not like that at all.. ( done with stupid looks in your faces) Through connector ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, my butt Ass hats .
  8. I just know how my families many businesses and farms are inventoried every year.. i kinda said i was sorry for calling you names above ,, but my use of cuss words is not limited to the internet. I am not commenting on the guy fucking with you last night, in your "Rats N Dats" thread .. only this one and the truck one. Worded weird but i'm to lazy to fix. .(( edit: If Rats N Dats was my thread i would have hit the report button last night))
  9. You don't think the schools accounting firm was hounding someone about money?? The Al Bundy thing was a bit hash,, but the rest of the words i stand by.
  10. You're right,,,,,,,,,,, it was probably started by the schools accountant , trying to figure out where the fuck the money is, so they could account for it ON THE FIRST OF THE YEAR.. Like it or not THAT is how it works,, and no ,,,, Al Bundy ,, i sent it to the wrong address malarkey will can change that. NOTHING was said before Jan 1st ,,,,,, hell it was like only last week or something ,, and it is almost fucking February.
  11. As Winston Wolfe once said " Move outta the sticks fellas" I am just there to argue with him about politics and show my German Shepherd,, not all cats are mean as fuck.
  12. Still mad Hey dicklips can't go to Pick n pull as my 21st anniversary is the 31st,, but not sure what the female might wanna do .. So i have to leave all day both days open . I saw a 91 Nissan someshit on their list of cars there,, Might go here to make her happy http://sweetandsavorypie.com/pies-menu/ ,.
  13. Maybe you could help me,, on getting my air compressor that i let you borrow,, back
  14. There should be a law ,, when Mexicans move to America they have to learn how to use their smart phones correctly,,,,,,,,,,,, or get the fuck out------------------>>>>
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