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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Dude it's Ok.,, la ,,, homa .. ;) you have to put it language and materials readily available to him. Check this out. ,, ya'll .. First get yourself down to the Piggly Wiggly and grab some Mountain Dew. Then roll over to the junkyard and find 3 maybe 4 sunroofs for cheap .. Then duct tape the shit outta those doo hickeys and remember now,, your fixin too keep it tornado resilient so round up a couple of the neighbors old 44" mudder tires to throw up onnair ... Now bless yur heart you got yourself a topper for that cellar... But don't get to big for your britches yet,,,,,,,,,, ya'll might as well throw a tarps onair to keeps the water from trickling in,, if it rains. Disclaimer ,, i have no experience with cellars BUT and it is a big BUT ,,,,,,,,,,,, i am the youngest of 6 and the first person in my family NOT born in Oklahoma ,, so i have unique skills in understanding the inner workings of the Oklahoman mind. :D
  2. Did you read them? Those links have nothing to do with turning cars into race cars or whatever this thread is about,,, they are all in reference to mandating more fuel efficient / cleaner burning engines in heavy duty trucks,, ie diesel semi trucks...
  3. Yes it looked like that was exactly what it said ... The Pepsi can logo also looks like 510 with the way the trophy is shaped.
  4. Wow thanks for including me ,, BUT including both Ted and guber,,,,,,,,,,, BOTH of which haven't driven a Datsun to even a local meet in months ... Oh ,,, i see this is a meet where Honda pilots , subaroo outbacks and FUCKING Audis are encouraged,,, and running datsuns are ,,,,, welp yeah
  5. BUT the interpretation of datslocos as i understand it Dat = Cocks S = that Kevin Locos = wants to suck off.
  6. For what it's worth,,, i expect no apologies from anyone any time.. A few years ago me and my wife agreed with the stress of having two impossibly fucked up kids,,,,,,,, saying what you really mean at that exact moment in time is going to happen.. We can call each other names that other couples would probably file for divorce over who was supposed to get the diapers out of the other room,,,,,, then get on with enjoying life.. Life is to short to be mad about things that ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, happened.
  7. http://www.datman.co.uk/ Owner goes by Willdatsun on here,, and Datman quite a bit on other forums such as RetroRides ... He seems to have quite a large inventory of parts. BUT <<< ,,,,,, you posted this in wrong section
  8. From what i heard the captain said he was just floating along and some old lady ran right into me... Seriously that's what happened.
  9. You should give those away at the RatDats meet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or lube,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, which-ever.
  10. bananahamuck

    Brown Datsun

    I don't understand your statements about title,,,,,,,, BUT ,,,,,,,,,, if you never saw one .. i would put no money whatsoever into that truck until you do.. Getting a title for a non-titled vehicle in Washington can be done ,,but it is quite the commitment to get it done.
  11. Seriously?? Have you never met any of the local Datsun guys? I think it would be faster to ask if any of us DON'T have issues. :rofl:
  12. Can you click your finger nail in this groove?? Or is it an optical illusion? If it is deep sharp groove you will want to use an expandable hone as a ball hone might not clean it up enough to not bang your rings in a pretty short period of time... NOT a deal killer to have some of that groove still there when your done,,, ( if it is there of course) , but you definitely wanna soften it up a bit
  13. Imma gonna slit your throat
  14. The ones i picked up for Ted a couple weeks ago were $9.29 with tax out the door ..
  15. You will have to understand quite a few people on here can take a joke ,,, and making fun of someone elses car model is like a your momma joke. Give us a link to show where someone gave you shit about your car................... Now about your photography skills,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, those really do suck.
  16. Should be here ,, one of the boys gots green shit coming out of his nose,, so he's home/.
  17. How soon? How big? earliest would be Hobodickheads BBQ
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