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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. There is a huge vacuum line line on the manifold that it was backfiring out of remember,,, plug that .. It ran longer than in video,, that was first time it ran at all, and was only running on 3 the light is in one ( we thought at the time) of the injector leads, we even revved it up a couple times in subsequent runs.. The starting fluid you see in video wasn't used to start the next times... The engine was spitting out some serious shit ( considering he is in an attached duplex garage) because no spark situation he had,, and the number 2 injector being fully open all the time... So it took awhile just to clean most of that out And like he said it is one tooth off on the distributor so you have to hold it fully to one side to get it to run .. i think the cold start injector or air regulator isn't working right though xuz it starts kinda hard sometimes still The dying could be from when i let go of distributor or rotated it back a bit too.
  2. I think he's fucking there ... B) B)
  3. All that butterfly control stuff is gone with the wind..... dude the wires were one tower off and that wasn't helping and the battery he was using was almost dead,, both of those easily fixed problems, can fuck your mind up after chasing complex problems for a few days .. He just needed a couple fresh eyes to look at it i think... Cuz he had the no spark problem fixed when we came over...... the extra fuel only caught on fire once.. The video shows the circuit the # 2 injector was hooked to was an always on one, and was flooding the shit out of that hole,... the OG was taped up in harness farther up .. dug it out and fixed that weird problem ..( only running on 3 in video . The Air regulator might be what that plug was supposed to be hooked to though.
  4. The speed limit from here to town is 50mph and slows to 25 past the high school ,, i can't count the times i have been caught behind someone going 40 and maaaybe 45 in the 50 zone ,,, then they go 45 through the school zone and slam on brakes going into the traffic circles.. :rofl:
  5. The mat (not Matt you queer) don't have Datsun stamped on them like i thought they did.. I will bring it around one of these days to show it to you,, after i replace my hippy drippy front cover on Aunt Flo Cuz it will leave a ton of oil all over your lot right now
  6. Ahh ,, that is why you turned white as a ghost,, we thought maybe your drug dealer had raised his prices or something .. Are the replacement fenders you mentioned the same color as car??
  7. When i was in high school a couple stoner friends hit some black ice one night ,,, spun around and backed in between a telephone upright and power pole and got stuck in ditch ,... It was so close they couldn't even open the doors ,, we drove up on them and we were like what in the hell?? ,, if they were driving any wider of a car it would have hit one or the other.. There nick names were Ottersnotter and Bubba ,,,,,,,,, i shit you not
  8. I wouldn't worry about it man there will be tons of members and cars there,, I realize there is a few people making a statement by going somewhere else, but Canby was packed wall to wall with vehicles before most of them even got "into" Datsuns .. Most members here don't post that much in threads like these,, but they still show up to meets and especially Canby. :)
  9. But because of the time difference he actually posted it tomorrow ,, so maybe he forgot
  10. I don't see why your old coil wouldn't work if you wire it up with jumper wires ....... My wife is still shopping and she took Alberts girlfriend so they may never come back
  11. If you run power directly to your coil on one side an tap a ground with the other side it should fire even without it hooked up any other way. .. don't leave hooked up very long just a few seconds to test. Yeah it could shock the fuck outta you if you hold it in your hand soooo find a way to run coil wire to engine ground,,,, or not,, and video tape it. :rofl:
  12. Try running that wire that is supposed to be hot while cranking directly to battery B+ with a jumper wire in your hand just for the test. Don't remember which one but it was labeled in the instructions that way.
  13. Yeah my phone hasn't worked right in a few weeks ,, now it only gets some calls and even then it might come in hours later as a voicemail.. I hate getting new phones. i will find some pants,, and what-not .
  14. I didn't weld it yet, but if i wasn't sitting around in my underwear, i probably could............ Wife's going shopping at some point so can't go anywhere away from here unless we take Thing 1 and Thing 2
  15. NW German town rd between Hillsboro and St. Johns is fun, scenic and bad to the bone.. A++ will trade again
  16. It is quite a bit mushier in the rear going around tight fast corners , and even though the 510 had a 4speed most of the time the gears were 4.11 -- then changed to 3.90 so even at 70 it seemed smoother/quieter ( 411 gears are 4.37 ).. .. I am going to figure out some heavier rear springs and that "might" help that.. But since we live in an area where the freeway is 70 mph to get anywhere i think the low gearing and lack of 5speed is the real problem.. I am putting a 190 rear end with 3.70 or 3.90 ( haven't taken it apart yet.) gearing in it very soon,, but as much as that will give me the lower RPMs at 70-75.. Going up hills will probably have to be done in second gear. :rofl: For what it's worth ,, if there was a way to put a 5speed behind the J1300 i would keep it because for as much shit as that motor gets ,, if you keep your foot to the floor it is "kinda" spunky... The car is pretty light and we have went on a couple cruises and it did just fine other than going 60-63 mph on freeway cuz i don't know much about motor. Drum brakes are adjusted and work just fine even on this squirrely road we went on yesterday.. And seats are way too short ,, but i have a set of bright red MR2 seats that should help with that. Contrary to tdaajs statement loudness wise,, it is about the same .. I usually wear earplugs on long trips .
  17. Oh and screw project datto,,,,,,,,, fucking hipsters
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