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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. If you are running matchbox the wire from the resistor wouldn't be used any more,, or the resistor for that matter. Sorry for the thread jack about wire questions So back on track . Hey what kind of gloves would you guys use on blackberry stickers??
  2. I am too busy arming myself for the robot wars to read some ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, book!
  3. I bet those starving children on TV wish they had some vinegar.

  4. Lowest priced "250f" i saw on craigslist was $2500. <<-- :rofl: That thing sold a couple years ago for $500. skins or maybe it was a $500. swinging trade type deal ,, can't remember exactly.
  5. That thing has bounced around a few times,, pretty rusty and banged up to ever be "nice" but still very salvageable for a cool ass hoopty... You can see why it don't run right there on the back window. :rofl:
  6. Just think if you are a vapor dude that rides a hoverboard while talking on your iphone,,,, you might as well be a god damn jihadist sumbitch
  7. I agree with you about the younger guys on here ... I saw this guy post an ad about finding lug nuts once ,, (through the new want ads i might add) .. So i sent that member a link to Gorrilla lugnuts website in order to help the guy and do you know what?? That self-entitled little prick didn't even have the courtesy to even send a simple " i will check it out" or a god damn thing........... Hmmm
  8. That igniter box can be completely replaced with a GM , HEI module just like the Datsun ones are.. Boom
  9. Ahh .. i should be able to weld that without standing on a set of wheels, leaning over a motor lift, with the down pipe clamped to a wicker chair that is propped up with an L motor core,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, now.
  10. If you run all the grounds to one place and one goes bad they all go bad.. Probably why they use multiple grounds for each circuit .. Anyways,,, i noticed you called a little bit ago but i was trying to move some of that crap outta the big garage.
  11. Hey if you make it down to that Saturday meet with the Busta and Skyblue ,, could you please tell the tie rod story to Dream510 ( the kid who bought my car) i told him his really needed to be changed,, as well as ball joints, but don't think i stressed it enough........... Not worried about car,, cuz he could find another,,, but a bad crash in that tin can could lame the young dude up for life.. :) Jeeze ,, when did i become my mom??
  12. You guys do know he is just going to go down to harbor freight and buy a few packs of $1.99 heat shrink ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, right?
  13. That's why i mentioned a electric unit ,,,,,,,,, picture was of air unit but that was just one off internet to show you the big tooth carbide cutter type i usually use,, and what in the holy shit is growing on the side of your garbage can??
  14. Hey ,,just a heads up we probably won't be rolling with you since Donovan has dibs on the big garage for a bit and don't know if 70 mph is at all in the cards since probably won't get higher gears swapped into aunt Flo before this happens. I will probably just leave a little early and wobble my way up there at a earth blistering 60 maaaaybe 63 mph.
  15. No sweat my wifes honda accord has great tires on it... Or maybe i should just drive the F250 and tow my Datsun up there
  16. Funny thing is the guy doesn't sell "Datsun" stuff he is just a guy that probably just cleans out old peoples garages or storage units by the looks of his other auctions... That grill though,,,,,,,,,,, :wub:
  17. My take on the tank.. if it's pretty clean now why put something in that could fail in the future.. Best way to keep clean from here on out is to run it,, and hell that is the best part of owning an old car..
  18. 520 drum stuff won't work at all ,, just the master cylinder
  19. So what you're asking is,,,,, how hard you need to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .
  20. bah ! I use those pads and if your a knobhead yeah they can dig pretty deep, but with a very tiny little bit of patience they do a great job. I use a 4" pad but it's all the same . Now about that FRAM
  21. What you need is a big ass electric diegrinder with an aluminum grinding/cutting bit in it and you can shape those plates slicker than shit.. I realize it looks dangerous as fuck but it is spinning so fast it cuts real smooth.. And you didn't need those finger tips anyway.
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