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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. I did notice it felt a little shakey but figured it was just cold ... After marking timing mark i looked at it and couldn't even see the mark at all,, I fixed it last night cuz didn't want it to fly off all the way up in Hillbilly world today I also pressure washed the engine off on my way home tonight and found where the rest of my leak is at.. I had put new seals in side covers but one of the bolts has loosened up probably from vibration
  2. Is your boy trying to grow a mustache??
  3. Man my poor little 1300 could barely cut through that wind going south ,, if i let off the gas i started going backwards.
  4. At first she was like But then she noticed i was taking her picture . \ ]
  5. Tonight's Trump riots are being brought to you by a generous sponsorship by your friends at Citigroup...
  6. You have to take what you can get these days.
  7. I would have been a helluva lot farther along if Fucking Ted® hadn't needed to have me fix his frickin trailer lights when it WASN"T RAINING!!
  8. Man i wish i was as hard core as you guys,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i can't image how tough it will be for you guys to walk all the way outside.. I'm glad i only have to simply just drive through downtown Seattle cuz ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, damn. FOR WHOM IT MATTERS << The floor pan is laying outside my garage and the mirror is apparently being dropped off later. Oh,,,, and while watching the lead up to Trump riots i made this.
  9. Ok,,, but if you shove the yoke all the way in then measure center to center,,, it will be to long won't it??? . I say that because when you install or remove a driveline ,, one must usually first push driveline yoke farther into transmission in order for it to clear the rear flange centering deal ( that circle on the flange) and be pulled out .. That's why i pulled it out a little over half inch before we measured it,, which is like about the minimum cuz alot of times it's more like 3/4" . Or am i reading what you wrote wrong??
  10. The inside of your engine looks like the time my friend thought it would be just fine to not account for two of the carburetor lock washers ... Ouch
  11. Yeah but i believe it is being burnt, because of head gasket on it's way out, not leaked out onto ground..., that green in pictures is just left over dripples from when i took radiator out.. I figure i would just run it till it breaks then lower the RPMs a bit.
  12. Won't convex give you better sight farther out??
  13. The only problem is that motor mount sheet thing is across the whole front of the engine so i would have to take off the timing chain and all just to get some of that goop up behind it.. :hmm:,,,,,,,,, Maybe it will look better after a good car wash pressure washing BUT i'm hoping that the new tight seal type action will stop most if not all the huge drainage of oil .. I didn't take any of new rubber seal cover but here is old style gaps. Gap was pretty big but had no way to fix Just needs radiator and grill put back in and we are off to the Hobo-Q this Saturday Check out how the clutch line was "secured" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It's anyones guess which will fail first ,,,,,the clutch zip ties or all the bondo this thing has on it,,,,,,,,,, it's a toss up really.
  14. I got seal and installed but am thinking some of the oil looks like it is coming from behind that motor mount sheet thing............ damn-it
  15. So i'm not understanding,,, are you saying the driveline one-ear gave you won't work either??
  16. I think since you use that phrase ad nauseum against me and my opinions on the internet,, you really need to go over your dictionary "app" and read the definition of "passive aggressive".. BUT ,,, what i would call what i did is called critique your mazda, , that even though i have no pictures to prove my case had bed sides that shook as if they were going to fall off every time you started bouncing it like Cheech and Chong... Probably because it was almost completely gutted out inside.. But your still my favorite dicknose.
  17. You obviously haven't seen his Mazda truck.
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