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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. If it was so cheap people thought you were practically giving it away,, you would have had a huge amount of calls . I have sold a few vintage cars on Craigslist and if you price it high you have to wade through 1000s of flakes.. if you price it about right people show up with cash,, even if they don't buy it,,,,,,,,,,, if you price it to low you get people calling to see it that same day or offering more than you're asking price just to see it first.
  2. You have forgotten to post any pictures at all,,,, in this whole thread..
  3. How long did you have it for sale on Craigslist for the $3200. ?? My opinionated thoughts ,, since you are asking for them....... If the guy thought it was to cheap you should have had HIM buy it for $3200. and he could have then resold it for the huge amount HE said it's worth. .. And you have to ask yourself if he loved 620s so much that it was worth it's weight in gold,,,,,,,,,, why was he selling his at all?? I say that since i have a couple cars in my backyard that probably aren't worth the tow bill to send to junkyard and i have on many occasions pissed people off by telling them they aren't for sale... fact
  4. My brother Floyd can get it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but he is even more crotchety than ole Rick here.
  5. This thread was started by a book/article that seems to praise the use of open carry for even children ,,, i showed OP that if not for the old guy with a gun, (open carrying) ,,, that innocent first generation middle eastern immigrate ( that had a job ) would probably be the dead guy ,,, In a kind of full circle type of an affair to HIS original post......... HENCE the reason i said IBTL ,, as his original post had been answered But you were probably to busy typing a rebuttal to the defend the hatchet wielding crazy person to actually click on link and read the story.
  6. And their new fangled buggies ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, hopping all over the dad gum place.
  7. Since Ted has to be "on call" this weekend we are going to have to skip this month.. My son should be changed over to weekdays at his work by your next meeting so finding/having a travel buddy shouldn't be a problem. I haven't talked to Scalp-em so don't know if any Oly guys are showing but he might.
  8. Wow what a bunch of old fucking hairy legged women ,,,
  9. Yeah it will be just a long lunch my man ,,, not like Lefty's in April. That should be a much larger affair.
  10. That's because we are on daylight savings time
  11. Good things come to those who wait. :)
  12. Gotta admit though,,,,,,,,, that is , one , bad ,, ass,, buggy. Original video
  13. Old school pizza downtown Olympia ,, Sunday March 20th about 12 noon ,,,,,,,,,, it's a pizza by the slice place so it is cheap to eat. Lots of parking across street for free . Supposed to be nice but we will be there even if it is shitty ,, From the north https://goo.gl/maps/eLku1m6WzHz From the south https://goo.gl/maps/DanosyjgfvF2 geeeeeeze us
  14. Yeah because AMERICA MUTHERFUCKERS!!! http://www.king5.com/story/homepage/2016/03/13/customer-shoots-kills-hatchet-wielding-man/81728302/ King County Sheriff Sgt. Cindi West said a man came into the store with a hatchet, attacking customers and a clerk before another customer shot and killed the suspect. “Fortunately, because of this customer with his weapon, this could have been a lot worse,” said West. "The clerk could be the one laying there dead on the floor right now and fortunately he's not, thanks to the customer." Drops the mic IBTL. .
  15. Posted on March 14, 2013 using postimage.org https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=7216.1940;imode Posted on 03 April 2011,, using photobucket http://community.ratsun.net/topic/30398-on-advice-from-counsel-name-withheld-till-further-notice/ If you want to guarantee pictures being saved "forever" keep them on your hard drive.. Even then i have read that the discs will degrade and lose information on them till eventually becoming un-readable ,,probably in less than a humans life time.
  16. I was thinking about how many peoples horns actually work. Because Datsun
  17. I would say we could all drive by your house and honk if you don't make it to Lefty's,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but then i thought about it.... Maybe hollering out our windows would be better,,
  18. Gonna start asking around to see who wants to roll over when it gets hot out... I will have to ask in a sneaky way since West siders seem to be able to find excuses to get out of stuff pretty easy lately...... cough,cough Qtip-tdaaj cough,cough
  19. Awesome to see all the Datlocos and their ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, um,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hyundays and subaroos ??
  20. I would prefer that to being completely naked,,,,,,,,,,,, like the last time. You know i was thinking i need something to clean my vaulted ceilings better.
  21. Yeah now i see this ,, I was so proud of myself giving you traffic and weather updates on my "new" typewriter action phone,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "oh i'm staying home" ........ :geek: . But at least i didn't have to call the wife and have her read the address off that paper i forgot to bring with me..
  22. You worry to much,, i figured if it made it there you could assume it would easily make it home.. I have members from here and other forum boards and family with trailers that i have picked up from or helped off the freeway all the way up I-5 to within 10 miles of your place,,, so wasn't scared about being scooped up ,,,, that,, and i was carrying a ton of tools 3 extra gallons of water, 4 extra gallons of gas,,, 5 extra quarts of oil a tow rope and my insulated coveralls.. :rofl: :rofl: My biggest ( well GIGANTIC really) worry is coming into Seattle traffic and through Seattle traffic and it don't matter which direction i am going really..
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