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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. The weather forecast may be sunny and warm but the traffic forecast for the downtown i5 corridor on a Friday is partially shitty to major shitty approaching downtown,,,, with a chance of "why has god forsaken thee" traveling north out of downtown and up to 145th where there is a "are you fucking kidding me?" expected later in the day. If i lived north of Seattle i would so be there..
  2. You know i was down at the Studebaker dealership this morning and the old guy that works at the blacksmiths shop next door said they went out of business some time ago.
  3. You gotta get up pretty early in the morning,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to catch me peaking in your windows.
  4. Park for awhile in front of the Dicks web stream so we can flip you fellows off from the comfort of our own homes,,,,,,, and what-not http://www.ddir.com/live-feed As you probably expected Friday in this weather is pretty horrible ,, but maybe this summer on a Saturday
  5. Donny doesn't really look frightened to me,,, he looks startled and ducks a little at first BUT ,,, then it looks to me ,, that he spins around and then the Secret service guy pushes him back a little,,,,,,, almost as if he is heading in the direction of the ruckus.. Kinda in like a Fred Sanford "hold me back" type posturing but still,, not hiding from it. I'm not a Donald fan just observing what i saw on video.
  6. This is what he was going to put in that roadster up on rack before tdaaj so kindly found him that Ka24e ...................... Thanks tdaaj . Runs like like this because it has large Delta cam in it.
  7. So hey ,,,, wanna see something that will make tdaaj's face beam with joy when he sees it???
  8. I mentioned the valve sizes cuz i figured if the U60 was somehow larger volume i "could" use it ,,, but wanted to use 67 since it has oversize valves.. anyways,,,,,,,,,,, Thank you for adding it up so it isn't 11+ .. since 10 is pretty high,, but i just can't afford the gas to support 11.+ with a good amount of ignition lead i like to run,,,,, even though it would be just a once in a while Sunday drive type car ... I read a few times ( in threads here) combinations very near mine( stock bore size in those ) would come out to what you calculated,, but the calculators i used never spit out those numbers.. Still don't know why it kept spitting out such high numbers
  9. Pretty soon we will all be mounting them on the chrome strip along the bottom of the car.... Some people are trendsetters
  10. Ahhhh Haaaaa !! SEE !!! ?? You guys all made fun of my mirrors being mounted to ridiculously low on the door of my goofy 411 to even see them,,,,,,,,,,, well NOW they are all the rage,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, bitches !!
  11. I bought a Washington state DOT 1980 720 at auction ( directly from state at surplus auction in about 1987-88 ) and it had a W58 peanut on it,,,, then about a year ago a dude bought an 80 that was the same Wa state DOT bright orange-yellow color and it had a peanut on it also.. Dunno nothing else but that's my story
  12. C110 Coupe ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, not mine ,,, saw in a for sailing ad.
  13. Should be the mascot for this meet.
  14. Pistons were self lightening style so i'm just putting whats left of reciprocating assembly in a box for now and just using block. It did still start and idle ,,,,,,,,, no shit
  15. It doesn't ,, it must be a cut to fit type of a thing. It did look to have a ton of meat to play with though
  16. Z20 block, cuz it came with the free rods i was given the other day ,,, all the rest L20b No way to verify real world piston height as i can't fit them in the holes
  17. Yes U67 i forgot to add ,,,,,,,,,,, I could use a U60 but they physically look the same, but 67 has larger valves installed ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Don't know what cam is other than probably L20b there isn't any marks and i'm to lazy to go out and measure it .
  18. SO i got L20b / --- Z20 actually,,,,,, 0.50 over flat-tops, open chamber head and i keep getting 11.4 to 1 ,,,, , 11. with double head gasket thickness ,,,,,,,,,,, what the fuck am i not putting into online calculator right? surely it can't be that high..
  19. A piece of plywood a few screws and Lefty's will provide all the gas you need.
  20. we have been doing the last minute thing lately cuz it's cold as fuck and it gives some that can't get outta work and such a say when THEY can show,, cuz fucking Ted® asks them and i just have been posting the final decision . Lefty's,,,,,,,,,, you should go http://community.ratsun.net/topic/68881-tacoma-meet-leftys-april-23/ Was "mr. datsun" the crazy dude yelling at his invisible friend ? ,,, Cuz yeah,, he made it.
  21. That was Rick?? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i haven't seen Q-tip at a meet in so long i thought it was him . and he had just primered that red truck he tried running over that old lady with.
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