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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. What are these rubber things you speak of?? You or Hans have one of those store bought fender rollers things?? if you do, i would trade for the ones off the truck in back ( if they are still on there) for a roll job on the 411 ,,,, Yeah i could use a bat but i believe there is so much bondo i might wanna take it easy on it . Oh and hey buttlips since it aint going to be raining tomorrow,,,,, what time in the morning could i drop that rubber mat off ?? I can drive in rain,,, but car still spews enough oil that it looks hairy canary on a guys parking lot when it rains.
  2. Man,,,,,,, you probably don't even know where to even buy a flatbill baseball cap.. Let alone knowing what cool stickers you should attach to it.
  3. Sorry but that aint no Jesus,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's my cousin Ed when he got popped for solicitation.
  4. So your argument is what exactly? You hate people telling jokes about something that is in reality true?? I find it funny a guy owns "many" British cars and has never seen one in a junkyard in perfect condition other than the wiring can't be fixed by man nor beast. ... Or has been in a fire that somehow had started from under the hood.. Lupus alternators followed closely by Lupus ignition amplifiers are the worst pieces of shit to ever cross a parts counter.
  5. Number matches up to a San Jose area phone listing,,, and 710s are like 411s,, they just aren't worth that much because of the amount of buyers that would even want one.. Good for 410/411 and 610/710 buyers,,,,,,,,, not so much for people trying to recoup their monies spent.
  6. Yeah that picture was probably taken before him and his family found work in the government sector in the 30s .
  7. Jews don't celebrate Easter,,, it is literally against their religion BUT,, Not much different than celebrating Charlton Heston freeing the same people that killed him every Saturday before Easter. And yes i did watch it again myself,,, but damn that is a good movie.
  8. On that link in first post in the register slot it says...... Nissan Fest returns for year five and space is very limited! As with all our shows, plan to stay ALL DAY, no leaving early. (you will not be able to participate in on track events) I just don't wanna park out in those outside parking lots where you can't really see if someones fucking with your shit.
  9. We are probably going if it aint raining,,, maybe we could tag onto the caravan when it goes by Tumwater/ Olympia Does anyone know for a fact if you can park in the fairgrounds close and not be trapped there all day as a "show" car??? Don't wanna park the hoopty out in normal lot but don't wanna be going home at dark either.
  10. You know what would be cool??

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fat510


      Cryo-frozen Walt Disney reanimated in zombie form

    3. DAT510


      that washer :)))

    4. Mattndew76
  11. Fuck that Austin,,,, even if you got it running the rest of the parts will double the price of car.. And even then nothing electrical will work right.
  12. A Datsloco actually "driving a Datsun" holy shit did you run that by your masters?? :lol:
  13. You should put this on events calendar so it always shows on front page for those that are just passing through the site.
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