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    1984 Nissan 720 2.4L 5spd
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  1. Seemed to be drinking more than normal ... Opened hood and saw pump mechanism leaking ... Anybody else bin through this and repaired without buying complete rebuild gasket set?? See photos, Thanks https://imgur.com/a/p0JxsgZ
  2. Nissy Head_Gasket job has been completed, power restored and running cool, Warm_Thanks to Datsun Mike for keeping Nissy COOL!! May Sunshine and Good_Fortune rain down upon you ...
  3. Is this Super-Important to get the tang sitting like the previous photo? should the oil pump + dist be installed at same time to ensure you get the 12:00 setting for dist ? my tang is 12:15, I compensated by moving cap leads but could not find smooth running spot
  4. Thanks! Now I understand. does not matter which tdc your at because the cam is not chained in yet. Both front cylinder valves shut indicate TDC ? Head is bolted on now. OK, I will check again and finish up. tdc does not matter because no cam inside engine! HardWired to v-8's I guess ... lol
  5. Yup, having fun with the timing allright... lined up gear dots, installed chain, all ok, BUT, am I 180 out? How to make 100% sure ??
  6. I dont use a shroud. What do you want for fan?
  7. my water pump measures 134 mm from hole to next closest hole. Your fan will fit.
  8. I cut fins down to balance my broken fan but not cooling. Or any fan that fits.. thanks
  9. Thanks, this was today, gaskets ordered. Anyone know where I could get a new/used stock water pump fan??
  10. Thanks for tensioner info, looks good, but too much. Great trick NC85ST, I should have asked earlier. Yes, now that I have it apart, I will make the perfect tool and screw it to the hood. Easy to remove engine front cover, checking timing will be fun. What best FREE place to store photos?? Thanks!
  11. Thanks datzenmike. 2nd time I do this head gasket... My wooden wedge must have moved. Have you heard of the tensioner which does not pop out?
  12. Was unable to align/bolt up cam gear to cam by 1cm after a head gasket replacement! Somewhere I screwed it up, when I was putting head back on I think... Damn piece of wood! Now I shall remove engine front casing to push the &%$@*&! tensioner/plunger back in. Anyone put in one of the tensioners/plungers that STAY in?
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