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Aron 77

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    '77 Datsun 620

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  1. How much do you want with shipping?
  2. Stinky I'm not worried about the ratio just need a good third member that's fits my axles. How much and can I get so.e pictures?
  3. I' am missing the outer washer and pinion nut washer. Any idea where I can get new ones? Also the crush spacer do you know where I can get one
  4. My question was about the drive pinion spacer or the washer there is one on top of the inner bearing but shouldn't there be one also at the top of the spacer under the outer bearing? Should there be two washers for pinion preload
  5. How freely should the bearing spin? They spin for about a second or 2 maybe I'm thinking about just putting the ones they took out back in. Also I was looking at the manual and it shows 2 drive pinion bearing adjuster. They shop gave my parts back and I only have 1 on the bottom bearing the one on the top that goes above the drive pinion spacer is not there. Is it sapposed to be or is it differential specific?
  6. I dont think so because it only when I'm on the gas and the more gas I give the louder it gets I can still be going 60 and let off the gas and no humm
  7. I did get it back I have all the pieces in a bin in my garage. I took it to the shop because of a loud humm at about 45 to 60 mph only when I was on the gas
  8. Iv recently taken out my 3rd member from my datsun 620. I took it to a shop and they want 1200 to replace the bearings. Can anybody help me with the bearing overhaul. The shop disassembled it and not sure how to reassemble it. Anyone know of a 620 manual that breaks down the reassembly
  9. I bought some 2.5 degree shims is that too much to start with
  10. My angles are at the crank 02.6 at the front driveline is 12.7 and at the diff is 10.1 any idea and how to shim that to be correct?
  11. I'll buy one now and measure some time next week when it comes in the mail. Thanks for the advice. I'll post what I find out
  12. Yeah all I did was remove the lowering block. Also has a load plus spring added to the leaf spring.
  13. Alright thanks Mike. Any tips on exactly how to do the shims? Don't the leaf spring have a nipple that slots it?
  14. I recently raised my 77 620 pickup to stock height and put bigger tires on it. Now when I'm driving at about 40 mph I get a loud hmmm and as the speed increases the hmm gets louder and only when I'm pushing the gas pedal. Also at around 55 or 60 I get a shake. I'm pretty sure it's the driveline and the angle of it being incorrect. Anybody know how I can fix this without going to a driveline shop?
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