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    So Cal
  • Cars
    22 AT4, 69 510.
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    Trying to get the 69 back on the street after 20 years
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  1. So I looked at the ad on Ebay and the part was sold out. Be willing to bet, there's someone out there with electrical brains that could start building those connections. I'm sure someone might buy them... I suffer from electrical dyslexia. I'm bound to fry wires or set off a small explosion. Webers, yes at some point. The hood? That's all you. Don't want to be a copy cat, although it is pretty cool.
  2. So when you say the L20b runs a little hotter, does that mean I should run a thermostat that opens at a lower temp? Or is that just how they were designed?
  3. Heat shield... I'll have to dig though my parts to see it I have one. Thanks
  4. So I installed my DCH340 carb on the intake of my L20b and noticed the all threads on the manifold seem longer than normal. Does the carb require a spacer in addition to the gasket? Thanks
  5. Currently the engine is out of the car on a makeshift stand, and yes the w58's are round. I have a 219 head on the shelf and was wondering how it would perform compared to the W58 head. I rebuilt a carb about 45 years ago, so this is bound to be interesting. I'll give it a shot and see how it goes. By the way, what's a 219 head worth these days? Also thanks for all the great info, you guys are the best. There'll be more "I have no idea what I'm doing" questions to follow. 🙂
  6. Todays questions is this. I have a DCH340 carb that I'm going to rebuild and use on my L20b. I've noticed multiple tubes to attach fuel and vacuum lines. Other than the obvious fuel inlet connection, I'm not sure where all the other line run to. As simple as Datsun's are, I'm pretty much building rebuilding the entire car from bad memory minimal pics I took from back in the day. Thanks Oh and for extra credit can anyone explain the performance difference between a W58 head and a 219 head?
  7. Outstanding! I'm trying to get it running outside the car before I install it. While I have you, your opinion. The original L16 ran a 35amp alternator with a pigtail connection. That one is toast and it's replacement is over $100. Time to upgrade???
  8. I'm running it with an L20b, No points, the inside of the distributor has a lazy V shaped piece with the two wires coming out of it. As for the GM module, I've seen a few different types, which would be best? I looked at Rock Auto to identify which distributor I had. I've been doing a bit of research but can't seem to identify the red and green wires. Do I need a coil designed for electronic ignition?
  9. So I have a distributor from a 78 510 that I want to use in my 69 510. I has a red and a green wire that come from the same location inside the distributor. Which is which? Thanks
  10. Another question for the King Rat or whom ever want's to chime in. I have a 4 speed tranny in my 510, it has three switches near the end of the tranny by the shifter. I would assume one is the neutral safety, another is the reverse, but what is the third one? One is near the shifter, whilst the other two are next to each other but down lower near where the rear section of the tranny bolts to the main body. Also I am unsure of how to upload a pic from my pc to show you what I'm talking about. Thanks Kevin
  11. Fostin510


    So I came across a post talking about using a brake booster from a B210 to improve the brake performance of a 510, so I thought I'd go looking to see if I can find one. They seem to be hard to come by. So what's the alternative to the 210 brake booster?
  12. Time Left: 10 days and 12 hours

    • FOR SALE
    • USED

    For Sale, it was resurfaced about 10 years ago and has been sitting in storage. Has not been used since it was resurfaced. Fits L16 & L18 engines. $30.00 USD OBO. Will ship at your expense.


    MURRIETA, California - US

  13. Will that collar actually work? Seems sketchy. I guess I could use it as a test and adjust from there. Thanks 🙂
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