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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Cool but i pulled my hand brake off the dash. And if i mount my my NOS bottle in between the seats then i figure something else out.
  2. looks good, you seen my truck, i have the dilwoods and i do have the emergency brake calipers also.
  3. mrbigtanker

    This is so true.
  4. And I'm jealous this world is getting crazier by the moment, no one wants to get old per say but I don't ever wish I could turn back the clock just keep it going and get out when your still standing up..
  5. Be nice Mark. I'm only kidding..lol. But it was funny.
  6. You sure the ujoints are not bad, or does your shaft need aligment?
  7. Yes and Yes.. Getting the wagon all squared away and then back on truck. Still got to finish the NOS, for what I dont know.lol
  8. mrbigtanker

    Must be nice to have money man. Looking god ray looking good. :thumbup:
  9. Oh oh, time for Geritol,sit down walker and days sitting on the porch stairing in to the Abyss.lol Or theres always part time work at Walmart.lol
  10. those wheels look so good on there.
  11. yes i cant not lie.. Its raining men..lol
  12. Thats is some sexaully shit right there.. 9" 1.5" makes screwing a pleasure and gives better penetration. I cumming right now.
  13. Since 15 so you been working now what for 15 years now..
  14. What is the piece you speak of. Pics are it does not exist..
  15. It works out well sitting in there. I like it. And no purple velvet here Hawaiian.lol I also will keep the needle colors that way to.
  16. Bro thanks for that, that totally explains the blue constant hot.
  17. You need some Titans for your truck.. And I am only kidding.
  18. Possible and I wanted to really buy that car it's a clean car not over the top but clean. Any way moving on.
  19. Wow bro 2 sets very nice. I have been looking around for a tach for a while so when this came up I jumped all over it.
  20. Look who's here oldassman, now what your going to act up here to,ok..So this guy old as an boys and girls is selling this so called bitchin 510. The story behind this is I PM on eBay asking very nicely what the lowest he will go on the car because it looks good and I thought by that scratch the first wagon I was doing call it a day. Keep I'm mind I don't know him he does not me. So I get this wise ass reply from him, so I reply telling him he does not have to be shitty about it and then I get another reply that I should learn what it costs to build a Datsun. So we end up going back and forth and his green 5 has gone from I think 21000.00 to now it's at I think 14000 and 15000 what ever the point is I was actually going to buy it and he is a prick..so this post he just did is because of me, why I gave him shit about how low the car is going more and more when I would of just bought it in the first place.. Green 2 door 510 we nothing special on it and he wanted 21000.00. I don't know maybe Jay Leno drove it he does live in Burbank. So thats it I just I post this because now I'm sure he will be here to start the tuff guy bullshit..
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