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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. First coat of body filler is on. Will hopefully continue tomorrow.
  2. Welded it up came out ok,they are pretty nice bird shit welds.But its stitched.
  3. Made the cut and got it rounded out pretty good.
  4. Welcome back George. Long time no here from you
  5. Also Mark if you need a extra bluebird grill I have one for you to. Just thank John..hahahahahahahahahaha
  6. Pep boys or any other car parts location. Feel pro gaskets are good and make sure you clean all the surfaces nice and clean
  7. mrbigtanker

    My 521 Truck

    Yea what am I jealous of? And he apologized already I think nuff was said. So if your talking to me then pump your breaks 10 speed.
  8. Right on 8 pictures down is me looking in the green wagon.lol
  9. Pretty close to that, but wait to you see what the last one was sold for, only little over 100.00
  10. you can use a fan switch knob also.
  11. Yea lets just say he named his price.
  12. Josh make sure his 10% cut is reported to the IRS, and make him sign a 1099 form.lol
  13. I would take that engine back if i where you first off, second is it just me or did you not still state were in socal you are meaning CITY.
  14. I need to be in Texas but I live in riverside county
  15. mrbigtanker

    My 521 Truck

    Talk shit about my truck all the time though right. You remind me of a kid that plays online games and can be the big grown up asshole over the Internet..when there just a pimpled face little shit
  16. mrbigtanker

    My 521 Truck

    Well so why do you bash the truck on an open thread to say it's Colombo truck. Don't back out of the stall when you already pulled in. You put your fuckin foot in your mouth. As Q tip said above your degrading all the money and help that went in to it from fellow Datsun lovers. I did not buy raffle tickets by the way so I'm not sorry I did not win nor I ever intended but I got more then a couple hundred thrown at it. And yea raffle tickets should of been offered to all on this site it would of raised more money. Buy raffle tickets and pm a post of your numbers and document it. It's not hard and it would of raised more money for the truck that a lot of hard work and money was put in to. I'll bet more money and people's time out weighed the what 3000 sum odd dollars it raised,cmon next time I'll throw 4000.00 and I would be very happy and grateful for a nice truck that a lot of guys that appreciated taking the time to build would of been a pair of very grateful hands.. Meaning me. I'm done ranting good luck putting that so called piece of shit truck back together. Jrock is close buy you might want to take him up in that offer. By the way my truck runs like a bat of hell no trailer required.
  17. mrbigtanker

    My 521 Truck

    He has only complained about the truck since he got it. Yet he talks shit about me all the time, I donated money to the truck and more then denmark knows, only for some one like you to be a ungrateful son of a bitch about it. You winning it only makes it look like it was inside job, there i said it to bad. I have never mocked you on this website but you try to get under my skin with your stupid comments about my truck being on a trailer all the time or driving in the rain, to much money to that. Yet looks like the truck is falling apart and its just sitting maybe you should go back and re think the dumb comments you make and made in the past. Because of guys like you I will never donate to something like this again, You ruin it for everybody!
  18. Oh I want the trim around the doors and back cargo glass rubbers.
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