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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Your .2 cents ain't worth shit and I must have tons of lotion because both my so called pile of shit Datsuns have them. I hate carrying keys stupid old people like me can now start there cars with out forgetting them. And the first problem with your story is why in the hell did your mom buy such a piece of shit car to begin with...?
  2. I will have them taken care of. But no they don't push out and they are for now solid.
  3. If you got the Datsun saves kit let me know and I will copy it for you.
  4. I was wondering if you were interested in a trade. Lol The sun kind of kills the video quality. But any way very well done.
  5. No if he got the datsundave start button which I think he got from eBay I have the wiring instructions. Just don't really like helping people any more on this forum. But that's just me. I can wire mine though if that helps any body
  6. 110 little sun tan oil no shirt and your good. Down here was bad to cooled down today finally
  7. Wow your agenda is about 20 minutes worth of work, pace your self.
  8. Joel we will be the same soon. Hahahahaha
  9. I already checked them and they are fine, if they go out I will just put the wagon on a trailer and drive it that way.
  10. I pulled the picture I don't want any one thinking I am living in the past.
  11. Did you buy the one in eBay, if you did I have instructions but don't feel like helping anybody.
  12. No I am going to run them until failure want to see how it feels to build a Ratsun low budget Datsun.there still good so I will run them for now.
  13. Yea I agree please lower and some nice new wheels and you will be stylin.
  14. That's funny the paper just came in the mail that day.
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