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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Hawaiian let me know about those rear view mirrors. You know the ones I am talking about. PayPal standing by.
  2. What's up big dog how you doing Clive in the land down under. Yes not painted yet I do have another post with a Wagon now also that I am doing up. How goes mate.
  3. Portagee come back updates updates updates.
  4. Nice brakes but what does this thread mean. The title is mis leading. Nice truck though
  5. mrbigtanker


    The wheels 2 posts above are for sale. I'm spreading the word.
  6. mrbigtanker


    I will let people know right now.
  7. I don't know if he still drives it. The wheels are on my wagon now.
  8. Looking like it's coming together.
  9. I don't have one. Do you have one for sale.
  10. We live close why arnt you painting my car.
  11. But you don't have one and that still makes me a deluxe crooked and all.lol
  12. Yes I do. And that is not a bad idea cause lord knows I aint got no time.
  13. Even porno stars don't want to go to work sometimes either..I love my job and I make a little above 5.00 and hour but you are right. I do all I can and pay for what I can't do.
  14. But when you can afford to watch other people slave on your shit, its nice to watch also.
  15. Actually Datrod is the one that helped me get it done. I used another guy once and boy was that a bad idea.
  16. What did you with top of your radiator. Is it a wrinkle finish.
  17. I know but the D and the L hang down so that is about as straight I could get it with out grinding it down.
  18. The one deal in Japan fell through. This 4 door is from a good friend of mine there. So we will see.
  19. I need to talk to you later i got my hands on a 4 door bluebird myself and want to talk some stuff over.
  20. Thats your finger John.lol
  21. And this is something that might come my way from my good buddy george. We are working out the bluebird details. i will say it is a all OG 4 door bluebird.that is all.
  22. Just need to buy new hose and its done son. I know you guys want it.Let me know.
  23. Fuel pump is in. Going with a LS1 set up. Still going back and forth on the Brain.
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