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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Good news crank is out of shop and it’s good.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving to all the Ratsun dudes out there in the world. Have a safe holiday. While I am at work making gasoline for you fuckers. lol
  3. He is correct. Datsun Freak that is.
  4. At least your Ok. Was this self inflicted or some one hit you.
  5. I am sorry I am not up to your standards. What ever that is.
  6. John go drill my fucking hubs. and you are a bonified snapper head.
  7. Stupid question but is this blue lake in California ?
  8. Mark they just suck, and yes the vapor line is an issue. I pull the vapor line back when filling and go half throttle. If not yes it will spill out. It’s a piss poor design. But filling under the cargo mat in the car, I think it’s a bad idea.
  9. Please change to JCCS thread. thank you
  10. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Also getting these ready to mount as well. All polished some small curves but looks cool I think.
  11. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr This was cool a newspaper add back in what 77-78 for Datsun's. I love the that the used wagon was 1995.00 My how times have changed. And it says A/C.
  12. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr This was cool a newspaper add back in what 77-78 for datsuns. I love the that the used wagon was 1995.00 My how times have changed.
  13. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Fj20 issues. The smaller one is a KA TPS and as you can see it could be made to work but now I'm looking at scrapping the manifold and going with a Plazmaman one. But its costly and will require more time to redo some things. Stay tuned.
  14. Yeah Jaws. going to need a bigger boat
  15. I don't believe the 521 is running pics and video or did not happen. And you should host a show, considering the numbers your talking about, we would only make 3%. Right.
  16. So seeker, I will say the Lego remark on my part was not needed, how ever I just help park cars, that's it. I am not in any way part of the planning at all. I agree with almost all you said, how ever I believe that the show is put on who ever or how ever and its up to me to go or not. Like I said before I drove the last 2 years to CANBY and had a great time, but lets be honest 2 entirely different shows Period, And well weather for us southern boys it sucks right ! Hail last year, rain every day and you are on your own to bring your own food and drinks to that show for 2.5 days. So while I totally agree with keeping the park folks happy, Koji them new more cars where coming but did not consider or did not realize that many people where coming. It was the first year there and it got alot more exposure with it being at the Pike, it makes me wonder if it was that overlooked or was it expected and was not considered. I would love to do a PRADO lake show, but I would need help to put it on, I do have a lot of contacts and so forth but my job is demanding and would make it hard to focus on doing a good job. Well I know i could, but I would like to be sure. Shit i know an old crusty machinist who can make bad ass trophy's as well for starters. HMMMM
  17. mrbigtanker

    My 1971 521

    I might be selling my BMW flag mirrors. I bought the hem NOS. Really nice stuff.
  18. Plus. 400 rwhp is minimum. Did not say it was a good idea though.
  19. Very nice, changing that bushing makes a world of difference. My truck is always hibernating. lol
  20. Well that's your opinion, the judging has always been a complaint, but again its to go check out the cars that's all. For the people that complain all there time maybe sell your cars and play with LEGO or feed the birds. Nothing is perfect and neither is Canby, I think its expensive to camp myself but I don't complain just pay and have fun. And its 1000 miles for me as well. I also have good friends up there that I never see and they make the trip worth all the while. Thats you Jrock.kiss kiss and bustanut to name a few. And remember one thing and I'm. not comparing because its 2 different shows but in the 6 hours of the show they have thousands of people go through the place. Also there was toilets on each side of the show, you just probably did not see them along with all the restraints at the Pike to choose from.
  21. Thanks for the insight. I am learning but a good friend of mine is coaching me and will do the final build and blueprint. 400 RWHP minimum to rear tires all day.
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