Well I did try and let a lot of people know that it was most likely sold via a "form" email but the first person who contacted me wound up buying the car. Sorry if you feel like I ignored your inquires but there were really too many interested parties for me to respond to all of them, especially after the car sold. Sorry about that BrianV.
Bob3, I know your like 50 and have nothing better to do than flip people the digital bird on a car forum, but really, grow up. Nothing you say has any impact on anything. So take your bitter self back to your garage and remember why you came to this site in the first place. I assume it's because you like Datsuns so just accept the fact that you were wrong and spoke out-of-turn...move on. At the end of the day, the car was real, it's now sold, not to you and it's over with. Or, you can continue to demonstrate a low intelligence level and throw a few more conspiracy theory accusations out there. Up to you.