I took of my A/V condenser but my heater blower will not work. Is there a way to bypass the A/V condenser to get my heater working. I need it for those foggy mornings
there was a kiss, like a round mark on the piston, the motor stop, and i rotated the crank manually but it would get stuck just be few degrees fron TDC, i rotated the other way and it got stuck again. my guess was that the blown valve was keeping it from getting further.
hhhmmm, i just found and old thread Where GGzilla said:
so, i'm thinking i don't have a problem, but I will try those pointers anyway tristin
here's the link to the quote http://community.ratsun.net/topic/16680-hitachi-carb-high-idle/
got the datsun running, with the new weber carb but this thing will not tune properly, I can't get lower then 1800 rpm without this thing trying to turn off on me. this guy said it sounds like an air leak, but he could have be referring to that damn exhaust leak i still have. I'll post up some pictures of my installation maybe you guys can spot a mistake