I was just wondering if anybody from Ratsun is going out to the desert to run with Vara club racing ,I may go out to watch tomorrow, not sure yet ,I have a friend running a car.He says lots of Zs running, they left this morning maybe get some runs today, the track is near Palm Springs I think.. ,
610 2dr in So Cal white interior ,we already got front clip and ign.+ plastic surround going back for more today write at hosestop@msn.com (562)696-5995 for parts request. I am working at shop this morning on my stuff ,ouch Sun. morn.Whittier Ca.(in short sleeves I still hate so cal) this is Brad not Dean he is signed in I guess.(need safety meeting when Vicdat610 shows up)
Hi all have these RARE parts(needed to convert a 74-75 ) to a 73 style, a little surface rust and small dings but very good parts still ,fenders ,apron with front bumper even,$ 600 will post pics later so don't hate mail it thanks, call me (562)696-5995
RIMS FOR TRUCKs 620 521 truck rims tested fit,make me an offer 18s look great ! http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/pts/2821032828.html call (562)696-5995
http://www.flickr.com/search/?w=all&q=wekfest+queenmary&m=text Go here ,these cars are bad ass So Cal hellaflushed ,and I am not saying I want to drive one just cool to see parked ,I went with Lawrence with red truck..